Chapter 11-naughty aunty

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"You're so stupid,you really think I can't kill you?",she said then laughed while rolling her eyes.

"I was way more capable of killing your mom,what would stop me from killing you?",she said looking at me in the eye and I couldn't move.
I couldn't speak.
It's as if I have no control of my own body and voice.

"Don't worry, I'll kill you like I killed her. You won't experience any torture or pain and I'm doing you a favour, you'll be reunited with your mother and maybe your daddy if he'd dead too-"she shrugged then continued,"well you never know. Bye bye my little nie-"

I wake up sweating with my wings exposed. I calm myself down. It was all just a dream,I say to myself.
It was all just a dream.
I take deep breaths and enclose my wings .

I get off the bed considering that I was sweating heavily . I have cold breath so I cool it down so it's not so drenched with sweat but something caught my attention as I was about to get on my bed.

My aunt.
Good old aunty Agnes is under the bed.

Was I dreaming or was it actually happening?
Was she actually planning to kill me?
I'm starring at my bed thinking of what to do next.
She saw me using one of my powers and I'm sure she saw my wings too.

I have to make her forget about it. She can't know of my powers yet. Nobody can know.

I know exactly how I will do this

I walk to my bed and make myself trip,fall on my knees and try balancing with my hands so I make it look like that's how I saw her.

"Ouch",I say after my little scene.
As I rub my hands together,u raise my head and look at her.
I act as though I'm trying to see what's under the bed and scream.

"Aaaahh-",she cuts me off by closing my moth with her hand.

"No need to shout,it's just me,calm down "she says and gestures for me to take deep breaths . I do as she wants me to and as she releases her hand from my mouth,i look straight in her eyes and use my mesmerizing powers on her.

"You will forget that you walked inside my room to come kill me,you will forget that you saw me use my powers and that I have wings,you will forget everything you saw happen the moment you came into my room. Right now,you will go straight to your room and sleep,you will not remember anything that happened in my room when you wanted to do whatever you wanted. Now ,go " ,I say and she nods then leaves.

I say to myself as I roll my eyes.

I walk over to bed and sleep.

Next day...

Mornings are the worst when you know you have to face fake people.
I wake up,stretch my arms then get off my bed.
After tidying it up,I walk to my bathroom.

Brush my teeth then head for the shower.

I start singing as I shower.
"It's you, babe
And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe
And I could try to run, but it would be useless
You're to blame
Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be the same
It's you, babe
And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe
And I could try to run, but it would be useless
You're to blame
Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never ever, ever be the same
I'll never be the-"
I'm cut off by a knock on the door.
"Hope! What are you still doing,it's time for breakfast",aunt Agnes says as she enters the bathroom.
Wow so much for privacy .

I grab my towel and get out of the shower and say,"I was just taking a shower but guess I'm done now, I'll be down in 5 and-" I stop talking when I realise she just left me alone.

Wow,women be crazy sometimes.
I'm a girl but wow.

I get dressed in a light green shirt and a blue high waist jean,I just slip on my sleepers considering that I'm not leaving the house anyways.

I get dressed in a light green shirt and a blue high waist jean,I just slip on my sleepers considering that I'm not leaving the house anyways

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(She's not Hope,but that's what Hope was wearing,excluding the shoes)

I head downstairs and see a box of cereal on the kitchen counter,my uncle is probably at work since he probably didn't want to stay here that long,I mean we barely come here unless we wanna get away from the real world,one where we pretend to be fully normal human beings.

"Aunt, where's the breakfast you were talking about?",I ask in confusion seeing that she is washing a whole lot of dishes yet there is no breakfast.

"What are those on the kitchen counter next to that bowl?",she asks without even taking a glance at me.

"Uhm, cereals" I say in a duh tone.
"Isn't it edible?",she asks.
"It is",I say.
"So why can't you eat that instead of bothering me-"she stops to wipe her hands then turns to look at me.-"Look I get that your mom died and all but that doesn't mean you'll be getting everything you want okay,your mom is the one that used to make all that breakfast and I'm not in the mood for that,so just eat the cereal and shut it okay?"she finishes and as she's about to walk up the stairs I call her.

"Aunt,are you sure you can't make me breakfast?"I ask her with a grin on my face and a raised eyebrow.

"I've never been so sure, you'll not be eating anything cooked by me",she says as she rolls her eyes.

"Okay,aunt please look at me"

Oh I wouldn't be so sure.

I look at her straight in the eye and say,"you are going to make sure that you always make me food whenever I say I'm hungry to you,you will not ask yourself why you do but will simply do it,and whatever meal you prepare for me ,you will make it absolutely delicious."
I pull her out of the trick and put on a whining face.

"Aunt, I'm hungry",I say with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh really,let me make you some breakfast" she says as she walks back into the kitchen.

"Who would take out these cereals,these are not good enough to be eaten for breakfast"she says but more to herself than me and I scoff which gets her attention.

"What is it?"she asks.

"Ah no,it's just that someone told me to eat cereal and that I would eat a proper breakfast today,thanks for proving them wrong aunt"I say with a smile and walk up to hug her.

"Oh don't mention it,I'm your aunt after all."she says with a smile.
Oh and the day I finally take that throne,you are dead meat,she thinks to herself and I quickly let her go.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?"she asks.

"What? Uh...No,you didn't,i..I just remembered that I left my phone upstairs and i-i am expecting a call so I must just keep it on me, I'll be right back". I stutter some of my words and quickly walk up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and walk to my bed and sit.

That women seriously needs to be good for once without me using my powers on her,I think to myself as I pinch my nose and release a sharp breath.

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