chapter 29-he knows

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"Uhm im gonna go to the ladies room for a moment",I say to the others then say to Faith 'come with me'.
"And I'll go with her. We'll give you two some brother time",she says.

We get to the toilets and check the stalls and they're all empty.

I freeze the door so that it's hard for anyone to open it.

"What's wrong?",she asks.

"Michael",I say and she nods for me to continue.
"He knows about us,well i think me since he said so to himself. He wants the throne and he wants to use me to get to it",I tell her.

"Tell me you're joking",she says.
I shake my head.
"Okay lets get back out there and excuse ourselves then-"she gets cut off by the door banging .
We both turn to it. The knocking sounds familiar.
The knock again. Sounds like syllable knocks of "I'm so into you". Only one person does that apart from me.

I use my heat breathe so get rid of the ice.
I open then pull her inside before freezing it again.

"Start talking",she says.

"I was telling Faith that Jace's brother, Michael is after the throne and wants to use me to get to it. Funny thing is he directed it to me whereas both faith and I will rule but he pointed it to me. I don't know how he knows about it but he does. I know he is from the royal family ,well another kingdom so he probably has powers."I say then look down for a bit before saying,"oh my grapes. What if he can see the future ,like one of our elders who see special occasions but doesn't he have to be very old and he seemed to be in his 20s so it's not it. Or what if he's an evil guy and that's why he and Jace don't get along so he wants plot against us to spite Jace and-",I get cut off by Faith .

"Easy there. Rambling negatively is my thing,yours is usually positive so stop and calm down",she says.

"Yeah,he does seem evil in my eye. Has no heart. Really ruthless if you ask me I mean the guy hates,well more like loathes his family",Christie says as she shakes her head.
She can read people by just looking at their eyes.

"Seriously?",I ask.
"What?",she asks innocently.
"I was beginning to calm down but you just had to tell me what I wanted but did not want to hear",I say.

"Hey,it's not my fault I could read him ",she says while raising her hands up in surrender.

"Yeah yeah blame it on the powers",Faith says.
"Look on the bright side,you two will actually rule so i don't get why you fear him for his thoughts",Christie says.

"But what about all those obstacles we will face?",I ask.
I like being positive but sometimes I get too anxious.

"That's all it'll be, obstacles. You'll face them and go forward",she says.

"She's right. We'll face them. Together and I know it", Faith says.

"Why when that bitch of son shows up I suddenly become the one who's negative? I swear the day he's gone, I'll have a victory dance",I say in frustration and the two laugh at me. I mean their parents are good so I can't say son of bitch when I dislike their son. Well one if their sons.

"Okay let's go back before the guys come knocking ",I say and unfreeze the door.

We get out and can't see the guys.
I frown looking around and spot them outside near the car.

"Oh there they are",I say to Christie and Faith as I point towards Jace and Chris.

Seems like the devil went back to his hell , temporarily though.

We walk outside to the guys.
"I'm driving",Faith says.
I point to Jace since he has the keys.
"What?",he asks.
"She needs the keys to drive dummy",I say.
"Hey,are you okay?",he asks.
"Uhm,I think so",I say out loud then say to him,'i am so not okay'.
"Okay let's go",he says out loud then says to me,' we'll talk about it when we get to your place',I nod.

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