chapter 28-always right

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"Firstly,I wanna say you're a coward for not facing reality. The vision will happen whether you talk to him now or not",I say and as she is about to speak I hold my hand up to silence her then continue,"Secondly,I get that you're scared cause he's human and you're not. That's fine but you wouldn't be the first one to be in love with a human. Almost every creature out there has done it. At least you're an angel,imagine vampires,they struggle more so be grateful. Thirdly,you're an amazing girl,I can't say the same for him cause he's just a human boy but he's okay I guess. Fourthly,he doesn't come with danger or trouble. So you'll be safe. Fifthly,you two would be great together but you are afraid. I mean if he really loves you,he won't care that you're not human. I mean you're kind of human but with some wings and powers. Lastly,I suggest you go claim what's yours cause we both know the vision will happen and you'll feel worse if you don't do anything about your relationship with Chris or whatever you call it since you two complicate the definition of a relationship".

"Are you done?",she says.
I nod and she smiles.
"Thank you",she says.
"I know,I mean we both know I'm right",I say and shrug.

"Well you kind of are always right . I mean I fear that the real me will scare him off and it won't work out in the end ",she says.

"Are you kidding? He's lucky you're an angel,imagine if you were a demon or vampire or something. You'd have his head by now, literally"I say and we laugh.

"You're right. He should consider himself lucky. But what do I do know,do I pretend I have no clue of what will happen or what?",she asks.

"I won't tell you what to do. That's on you. But I suggest you follow your heart. Do what your gut tells you is right,what you feel will give you happiness at this moment. Don't focus on your fears or the bad stuff. Okay?",I say.
She nods and pulls me for a hug which I gladly return.

"You're an amazing bestie and sister",she says.
"Same goes to you",I say as we pull away from the hug.

"Are you kidding? When have I ever been of any help? You're the one always saving my butt",she says with a laugh and we head out.
"You're lying. Remember that time I couldn't control my wings and they just appeared while I was in the bathroom changing into my P.E(Physical Education) clothes and there were people coming. You distracted them while I gathered myself together. Or that time when my Mom was mad at how i was irresponsible enough to reveal my powers but you told her that you were spying on me and that you had powers too so she doesn't keep reprimanding me. Or that time I was running and wasn't aware of my speed power and broke my ankle,I didn't have healing powers at that time but you did and you helped me. You're always there just like I am always there. You're my sister,from another mother but I love you and you obviously love me",I shrug and we laugh.

We get to where the others were standing and say hi to each other.

There's Gift,Chris,Amo- she's in my history class and I can say she's okay I guess,plus she is dating Gift-,and obviously Jace and Faith.

I walk towards Jace and Faith while Christie goes near Chris.
"So which options do we have for the movies?",I ask.

"There's Avengers-infinity war, Black Panther, Ocean's eight,The Hustle,Lucy,Anon,Aeon flux and Anabelle",Amo says.

"Definitely not Anabelle. But I've pretty much watched all those so you guys can choose any",I say.

"Oh let's go for Lucy",Faith says.

"Yeah I've seen half of it and I enjoyed it", Christie says.

"Okay I'm in",Chris says.
"Me too",Jace says.
"Well,I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out",Gift says.
We all turn to Amo.
"Oh I'm in too. I saw it when it was close to the end but it seemed nice so yeah",she says.

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