chapter 49-lost emotions

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Hope's POV

"Then I guess your assumptions are correct",she says lowly.
"This is not what I expected",I say.

"Okay so let's get this straight. You are starting to mysteriously lose your feelings for Jace and this could be due to the kryptosunative energy you took out of me",she says.

"I would say that's pretty much it", I say.
"You should've never taken it out of me",she whispers.
Almost like she didn't want to be heard.

"But I did",I say shrugging.
"And now look what happened"she says in exasperation.

"What happened exactly?",I ask.
It's kinda funny watching her get all worked up and frustrated.

"What happened?!",she asks in disbelief.
"Oh I'll tell you. You saved me then got yourself weak and fainted then started to lose certain feelings which I by the way still have,then you ask me what happened?",she continues.

"Well when you put it like that it sounds interesting but horrible",I say nodding.
"This is not over. I'm going to bed",she says giving me a pointed look and I raise my hands up in surrender.

"Good night",I say as I wave at her with a smile.
"Night. Love you and get rest okay",she says sternly before hugging me.

"Love you too",I say in a whisper as soon as she's out of sight.

For some reason I just couldn't bring myself to say it to her face.
Well time for bed anyway. I mean I know I must have forgotten something but I'll deal with it tomorrow cause I can't seem to remember at this point.


"Hope wake the hell up ",I hear a voice say while shaking me.
"Leave me the fuck alone or I swear,I'll end you",I threaten pulling the blanket over my head.

"You love me too much to do that",she says.
"Christie,don't tempt me this early in the day,I am not in the mood",I say.

"Wow you sure aren't in the mood if you talking like that. But just get up. It's almost 1",she says.
"You're lying ,it's almost 12",I say without thinking.

How the hell did I even know the time without even looking. Well whatever. I might be wrong.

"How did you know that?",she asks and I can hear her concern.
"Lucky guess",I say. How did I know though? Well I do control time so maybe.
"Now get out or I'll mute you",I say.

I hear her exhale heavily before getting off the bed and I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me.

"Did you roll your eyes at me?",I ask turning to lie on my back and pulling the blanket off my face to face her .
"How the hell did you see me ?",she asks with wide eyes.

"Okay this is weird",I say looking into space.
"Too weird. Get dressed, we're going to the kingdom. Your dad was here earlier but since we were all in bed he asked we come as soon as we are awake",she tells me.

"Uhm okay I'll get ready",I say and start imagining what to dress in as I get of the bed. What to wear? What to wear? What to wear?
Oh i think I got it.

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