chapter 39-natures

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"She'll not wake up unless she accepts herself",a vice says.

"What do you mean by that",another voice says,sounds like faith.
"She is of 3 natures,witch,angel and demon. She is a witch and practices witchcraft,she has accepted being a witch. She has her wings and angel powers,she has accepted being an angel. She has demonic powers she hasn't used a single one of them except the spell immunity powers,sensory and sight,she hasn't accepted her demonic side. That's the reason she's in this state. She is of age and must have used her demon powers but she hasn't which is why she'll continue to be like this until she accepts. Her conscience is almost like her demon. Her other half,spiritually. She needs to accept it,connect with it and only she can do it",a voice says.

"Okay,thank you Michelle",another familiar voice says. I think it's aunt Mia.
The door shuts close.
"What do we do now?",aunt Agnes says.
"We wait",uncle Josh says.

"But for how long?",faith asks.
"For as long as she doesn't accept",he says.

"How the hell can she accept while unconscious. We have school tomorrow. I can't go alone. How will I manage?",she says.
"You have to go to school. Hope wouldn't want you absent cause of her. Go rest. You can sleep next to her if you want but rest. I'll come pick you up for school tomorrow",aunt Agnes says.
I feel the bed dip on my right. I then feel a hand wrap itself on my waist and a head on my shoulder. Definitely Faith.

"I'll come back tomorrow after work. I'll try to finish quickly so I can be here", uncle Josh says.
"And I'll be here until she wakes up",aunt Mia says.
"Tomorrow",uncle Josh says.
"Tomorrow", aunt Mia and Agnes say.
Then I hear the door open and close.

"Please wake up. I can't be alone. You need to accept this and wake up",I hear faith pleading.

Well that's just great. How the hell am I supposed to wake up?

Just talk to me more often and we'll work together.
A voice tells me. My own voice. It's like I'm talking to myself.

Who are you?

I am you.

You are me?

No I am your gay cousin. Of course I am you.

No need to be rude you know.

Well I'm tired of being stuck. You seriously need to use our powers more. That's the only way to solve this.

Okay but what powers do we have.

I'm not sure about your other natures. But I know that I'm your demon. Don't worry,I'm the good kind but I get upset very quickly and the eye colour changes depending on the emotions. Hence why we saw red.

Oh so I was not imagining things?

Oh no you weren't. Your eyes were red. So your powers would include sight,sensory,spell immunity,memory seeing, mind telekinesis,fast reflexes, anti aging,pain immunity and uhm,oh yeah,death immunity too.

Those are my demonic powers?

Hell yeah. Well for now.

I wanna give them a try.

Okay teleport to your training area.

But I'm sleeping.

Oh you'll be able to teleport physically if that's what you mean.

Okay but so we have to go to Angevil?


Okay here goes nothing.
So we know about sensory,sight and spell immunity. But how should we test pain and death immunity since I know I've never been hurt that badly.

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