chapter 47-verge of dying

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"Faith",i say.

"Im tired. Lemme sleep for a bit",she says.
"Okay,I'll come check on you in a bit",I say

"Okay",she mumbles.
I felt a bit dizzy after draining the kryptosunative energy out of her.
I can't believe how it happened though. It just felt different.

It isn't the same as sucking out of the juice out of the orange. It was more than that. I mean yes because she's a specie and not a fruit or thing but also because of the kryptosunative.
That thing is powerful.

I walk downstairs after I see a few of our helpers from the kingdom come to clean up the room.

When I get downstairs, everything is in place.
Christie and the guys are seated in the living room watching something. Bailey is nowhere in sight.
I walk past them to the kitchen.

"Hey", Christie calls out causing me to stop and turn to her with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you okay?",she asks.
I shake my head.
"Wanna talk?",she asks.
"Not yet",I say lowly.
She nods with furrowed eyebrows.

I walk to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water and sit down by the counter.
I take sips of my water leaving probably a few drops then hold the glass in my palms as I stare at nothing.

She could've died. That kryptosunative was spreading and if I hadn't taken it into my system,I don't know what would have happened.

And to think bailey wasn't even planning to tell me. She straight up lied to me that she would be fine when she knew my sister was on the verge of dying.

I feel like I'm gonna strangle her the moment I see her. If I hadn't heard her thoughts she wouldn't have said anything. She would've probably told me she thought she could solve it.

She thought she could.

I don't give a damn about that,my sister could've died.

But she didn't.

Because I saved her.

She probably left to get help or something so why fight her.

She lied that my sister would be fine whereas she clearly was weak.

"Hope!",I hear someone shout out my name and I turn to see Christie, Jace and Chris looking at me in concern.

I see red for a bit then see normal again.
Chris is looking at my hands. I look down to see a broken glass in my arms.
I let go off the glass and rub my hands against each other to get rid of any glasses on my hands.

"Why were your eyes red?",Chris asks.
"I'm a demon",I state blankly.
"But still",he says. I see red. Who the hell does he think he is questioning me.

"I don't have time to be answering to you, I said I am a demon. What the hell do you expect me to say huh? That I saw my sister on the verge of dying? That I had to drain the kryptosunative energy out of her which I still have no idea how it got into her?",i suddenly see blue then i continue,"That I had to watch her be weaker than even an old 100 year old human? Tell me what do you want me to say? That I almost lost her again?",I start to cry.

"Hey it's okay",Christie says as she comes near me and pulls me into her arms.

She caresses my back with one arm while gently pressing my head against her with the other.

"It's okay. Faith will be okay,calm down",she says in a sweet voice.

I shake my head and say,",It's not okay. She could have died . If I had just kept her away from here,he wouldn't have affected her with that dagger but he did and now she's not okay. It's all my fault and I can't even help her cause I'm the worst sister she could have. I am just a broken little girl who couldn't even save her sister in time cause I'm just stupid. I don't even deserve to be with her or you guys,I'll bring you nothing but -",Jace cuts me off. I remove my head from Christie and she holds my hands.

"Hey. Don't say that okay. We're the ones who don't deserve you. You've always been with us. Way too honest if you ask me. Yes you may feel like you didn't help enough but you do more than enough. You fought not only for your throne but your sister. You used your powers to take something out of her system which is harmful and put it in yourself. You've always put others before yourself. That should say something. We don't care what obstacles you come with,no matter the flaws. We want you as you are. We love you Hope".

"Yes,don't blame yourself for this or anything that has happened. Now just wait for faith to wake up then we'll go to the kingdom so everyone can see you're well", Christie says.

"See,I told you you're always there for me",I say as I snort and wipe the tears away from my face with a smile.

"Only you would say such at times like this",she says shaking her head with a smile.

"But are you okay?",Chris.

"I'm not okay, I'm worried about her. What if I hadn't removed the kryptosunative stuff out of her,what if she died?",I ask .

"But she didn't",Jace says.
"But what if she did?",I ask.

"Then I wouldn't be here",a voice says from the stairs. Faith.

"Why aren't you asleep?", i ask still holding Christie.

"Well I can't really do that when people are dealing with dead bodies in the room",she says and walks over to us.
"You could've went to another room",I suggest.
"Nah I kinda sleep much better in your room",she says jumping to sit on the kitchen counter.

"It can be yours,I can't stay in that room anymore. Not after today",I say shaking my head looking down.

"Okay thanks but don't beat yourself up hope. It was meant to happen. And I'm glad it happened this way",she says causing me to look at her in shock.

"Don't give me that look. When he knocked me out with that dagger at the back on my neck I thought I would die. I mean two people had to die,I thought I would die so I'm glad everything happened this way",she explains.
"But still faith,I could've lost you",I say looking down.

"But you didn't",she says.

"Uhm,I think I'll go lie down for a bit. I'm starting to feel dizzy again",I say holding my head.
"Again?",she asks.
I nod while attempting to stand up,and then I hold my head cause I feel like everything is not still. Like it's just spinning.
"Hope",she calls.

I look at her and see a blurry vision of three Faiths.
"Faith,what's going on?",I ask walking to her with my arms reaching to her.

When I'm closer and feel like I can hold her,I fall down and my eyes shut close.
Darkness becoming my reality at the moment and it's not even a problem for me.

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