chapter 10: Traitors and manipulators

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Aunt Agnes started to speak,"When we got tired of waiting for Katherine to come downstairs,I said would go get her so we could finalise the preparations for Hope's sweet 16th birthday. When I got to her room,she was fast asleep and I knew that it was a good opportunity to kill her. She was very asleep and when she's that asleep,you can do anything to her so I covered her with a pillow,checked her pulse and I knew then that I had finally killed her,then I did a victory dance that I killed her,I then faked a cry that I found her dead so I wasn't suspected ".

Uncle Josh asked another question,"Did Katherine say you should rule?"

"No",she plainly replied.

"Why did you tell Hope that Katherine said you should rule?",he asked.

" I had to convince her into giving me her throne so I would finally be in charge. I felt that if I was to kill her too then rule as planned,it would raise suspicions so I decided I would get her only side and take her place on the throne and get rid of her afterwards",she replied.

He ended the spell then turned to me. I had stared at the floor the moment he started asking questions and tried to cause my eyes to swell up with tears. I mean I had to look shocked and some sad emotion about this and I have to say,I deserve am award for that.

"Hope,I'm sorry,I didn't want it to come to this,I didn't know she killed your mother",he says as he walks towards me and sits besides me.

"I really am sorry ,I will make sure she doesn't rule and I don't care about the throne,I don't have to rule and she definitely won't rule, you'll have to choose who will rule while you're at school and I would volunteer but I don't want you thinking I am like her" he says while turning his head to face Agnes .

"Josh,what did you do? What happened? Did you use your powers on me?" Aunt Agnes asks as she walks towards us .

"I made you confess,you told us everything that we needed to know about Katherine's death and showed us how greedy you are,Hope doesn't deserve this,she's our niece for goodness sake. What did she ever do to you?",he says.

Wow he also deserves an award,he acts like he cares. I've been listening to his inside voice and wow,he's so power hungry. These people never learn. There was sudden silence as I was sobbing on his chest while Agnes stared at us.

'This child is seriously a cry baby,she's too weak. No wonder Agnes wanted to get rid of her. I have to get rid of Faith first then rule and I'll easily get rid of Hope too.i mean hope will be an easy one,she has no powers at all,maybe I should make her kill herself,that saves me time and energy...' uncle Josh says to himself and is still talking nonsense while aunt Agnes has her thoughts too.

'Josh may have turned her against me well two can play that game'.

She then says out loud,"You know,since we're confessing today,and I confessed,so how about you Josh?Don't you have something to tell Hope?",she says with a fake smile and a raised eyebrow.

"And what is that exactly?"he says sounding unsure but deep down he's saying 'not about Faith, not Faith'.

And she says,"oh you have no faith in me do you? Well don't you think Hope deserves to know about Faith,her twin sister,the one you kept a secret from everyone even our beloved sister?"

'oh so that's how low she wants to go',he thinks to himself . He turns to look at me and says,"I'm sorry okay,so you have a twin sister,her name is Faith. I separated you two at birth,your mother never knew she had twins until the prophecy was made again that one if the twins would kill her and I thought if one if you was not around,she wouldn't die but someone killed their own sister"-he turns to give Agnes a cold stare while emphasising on 'someone killed their own sister' then turned to me again-" and I couldn't tell anyone up until your 16th birthday as were told after you and faith turn 16, you wouldn't kill her".

He looks down at his feet then walk towards the door. He turns the knob and as he is about to walk out,he says,"I really am sorry" but says to himself as he takes another last look at his sister,'I seriously wish I had memory wiping powers to shut that big mouth of hers,now Hope might start doubting me'. Then he walks out, followed by Agnes who's still battling with herself about me ruling over her dead body and that if Josh wants to play with fire,she doesn't mind adding fuel to it.

Oh if only they knew what really went on.

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