chapter 25-the kiss

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"You know,you don't have to joke around like that",I say as i shake my head and release a small laugh.

I mean I don't mind the powers but sometimes,you shouldn't give a person false hope.
I mean why give me hope for something I might not have. Haha.
Wow I'm funny. Get it,I am hope and I don't want hope.
I snort out loud for a bit .

"How did you do it?",he says seriously.

"Look all I did was get in here and see what happened",I say.

"Okay,this isn't going anywhere,let's do this. I'll take a video so you can see for yourself while you redo everything and I mean every single thing you did the moment you came in here",he says and I nod.

I exit the room and ask if I should start and he says yes.

I walk in,form a firm line with my lips and act like I'm unlocking my phone and he stops me.

"I got it",he says.
"What did you get?",I ask as I walk towards him.

He replays the video for me and to say I am shocked but happy would be an understatement.

The moment I make a firm line with my lips,I turned invisible.

I turn to face him and he says,"You see?"

I nod slowly as I look away.
I still can't believe it. I mean who would have thought I had to make my lips form a firm line to turn invisible.

I thought I would stop any sound from coming out which is something I never do but this one time I do it and I get a power.
That's just wow.

"Hey"he says as he holds my chin to make me face him,"are you okay?"

I nod as I pull him in for a hug and he hugs me back.

I just feel like he's the one to protect me and I don't need to protect myself whenever I am in his arms. I like this feeling cause I never get to feel it with anyone else. I don't know what I would do if I lost him.

"Hey,what's wrong?"he asks with concern .
"We need to talk" ,I say as I pull away and suddenly missing the skin contact.

I pull him towards the bed and we sit down.

"Uhm okay,what is it?",he asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"The kiss",I say.
"Oh that. Look I had no idea wot was your sister and even when I kissed her it felt like it was you but it actually wasn't and I couldn't tell. I mean I should've felt it but I didn't and now you probably think I'm an asshole and that I lied about having feelings for you and trust me I didn't lie. I do but it just happened. And I had the same feelings for her that I have for you when I kissed her and I have no idea why. Please forgive ,don't break up with cause I -" I cut him off with a kiss. He didn't take time to respond back as he starts pulling me closer by the waist and the other hand in my cheek.

It is so gentle and sweet,well minty too.

I pull away with a smile and say,"I'm not leaving you. Ever"

"Really",he asks with a smile and hope in his eyes.
I nod then say,"Look,my sister and I are twins. Yes,our personalities differ but our feelings are always the same. The feelings I feel for you are the same that she has for you. We aren't like normal twins out there. We even have powers for angel's sake. I know why you thought it was me so I don't blame you. And to make things less awkward or complicated,why don't you date both of us cause you have the same feelings for me and her too. I really don't mind since she's my sister. "

"You're an amazing girlfriend,you know that right",he says.

"You haven't done anything other than make me smile so I can't say amazing right now",I say as I shake my head and we both laugh .

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