chapter 41-silent treatment

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He actually thought I would talk to him after our encounter at break.

"So are we still walking together after school?",Jace asks me.

"Faith please tell Gift and Chris we're still walking after-school, Christie already knows",I say ignoring him.

"Okay",she says.

"This is the last period right?",Chris asks.
"Yeah", Christie says.

"How long will she give him the silent treatment?",he asks her.
"For as long as she feels like he deserves it. But this is just the first level",she tells him.

"How many levels does she have?",Gift asks.
"Oh I only ended at the 2nd one. It's horror having her not talk to you at all. She literally went to her bedroom and locked me out . The next day,she made pancakes for herself and ate as though I wasn't there. She even did math just to ignore me and you know why she did all that?",she says.
They shake their heads.
"I called her a drama queen",she says.
"Ohhh",they say in understanding.

"Talk about me like I'm not here,why not?",I sarcastically say .

"Sorry",the boys say.
"At least some people have the decency to apologize",I say.

"Okay hope I'm sorry for saying you were overdramatic,just talk to me",he says in a pleading tone.

"Faith,did you tell aunt about us walking cause I forgot to tell her?",I say.
"Uhm yeah,I told her the previous period",she says.
"Thanks",I say with a genuine smile.

"Well at least she's smiling",Chris says.
"Oh she will smile just to everyone but him. This is still first level. Just no communication. Second one ,is so bad, she'll exclude you completely",Christie says.

"I knew he would regret this and I said it",Faith says.
"How would you know?",Gift asks.
"I'm her twin and silent treatment is also my thing. Wanna know the other levels?",she says.

They nod.
"Level 3,she'll act like he's a ghost in her life. Like if he says something,she'll be like I thought I heard something just to blow him off. Level 4,she'll act like he's dead. Level 5, she'll call his phone and act like she's leaving a voicemail that she misses him and that he shouldn't have died. Level 6,she will act like he was resurrected and do that thing where she's like gift tell your friend I said this and that",she tells them.

"Oh so there are 6 levels?",Chris asks.
"Oh there's probably more. I just experienced those 6  but she experienced 7",faith says.

"Really?",the boys ask.
"Oh yeah I remember. That time Timothy took her bowl of grapes and ate them alone. It lasted a month and trust me it was horrible for him. He had to buy her grapes. Tons of grapes",Christie says.

"I'm never getting on her bad side",Gift mumbles.
"Oh you shouldn't even think of it, she'll burn you alive",she says.
"Nice joke",he says with a laugh.
When he sees how serious she is,he stops laughing and says,"you're not joking"
She nods.
At home...
"What would you people like to drink?",I ask.
"Water",Chris says.
"Juice",Gift says.
"I want the endless mcflurry", Christie says with a smile.
"Oh me too",Faith says.
"I'll have juice too", Jace says.
"Okay",I say and take out 3 bowls and 2 glasses.
I pour juice for Gift,pour water for Chris,do the spell for the mcflurry then give to them.

"As requested",I say with a smile.
"But",Jace says at the same time as Chris and Gift who ask,"How?"

"I'm part witch",I say, ignoring Jace.
"I knew you weren't a normal human being",Gift says with a smile.

"But how come I couldn't see it?",Chris asks.
"Not only am I part witch,but I'm also part demon and angel. Plus we couldn't risk being known,no one from our kingdom can be noticed in the human world",I tell them.
"What about you two?",Chris asks Christie and Faith.

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