chapter 56-i do

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"I really want to be with him but I can't",she says.
"Do you love him?", I ask her.

"What do I know about love hope? I just know that I really like him,I can't imagine life without him,I get really mad when he talks to other girls,I get nervous around him,I feel safe with him and...and I..I don't know hope. I just don't know",she starts to sob.

I float to sit next to her  and pull her closer so she can lean her head on my chest. I start to caress her head with my left arm as my right arm is wrapped around her shoulders.

"It's okay. You may not see it but I somehow can feel that you two are made for each other. I don't know how but for some reason I've been seeing how you two look at each other and how miserable you are without each other. He loves you as much as you love him. What is stopping you?",I ask.

She sits up properly and wipes her tears which causes me to help her wipe them away. She takes a deep breathe before she speaks .
"Thing is I don't want to have to choose between my home and his home. We know that obviously if we get as far as maybe getting married,I obviously have to choose cause I can't belong in both kingdoms. I don't want that",she says.

"I'm sure you'll work something out",I try to encourage her.

"I know you're only saying that to make me feel better",she says.
"Obviously. But look,here's what I can say,our kingdom and his are aliies,not enemies so that should count. I know you two are meant for each other. You live each other so much it sickens me to the core but I try to just support you",I say.

"Thanks but I don't know what to do",she says.
"Okay lemme put it like this then you'll decide. All I can say to you is that,think of the present. Focus on now and deal with the consequences later. We both know that you'll be happy with Chris,you'll only start facing obstacles after years when you two have to tie the knot. Otherwise, everything will work out. Yes your parents might be against it since you're not from the same kingdom but your love will just be enough to persuade them for their blessings. Just think of now. How it would be to be with him now",I say.

"Ever considered being a therapist or life coach or anything related to advising people?",she asks.
"Nah it's too much work. I'm trying really hard to not get annoyed at your ugly face for crying. You're my friend and I obviously don't like tears so imagine how I would be with a stranger",I say shaking my head.

"Well,you do have a point. But thanks hope. I really needed that. I think I'll finally give him my answer",she says.
"Finally. I just can't stand the two of you being all quiet around each other. It feels wrong plus it's boring for me",I say.

"Okay so let's talk about Will",she starts.

"Don't tell me about that dumb boy. He seriously thinks he makes me nervous. I can't believe I even gave him a peck on the cheeks and forehead. And I was close to holding his hurt arm but just pecked it or else he would have healed. He must stay like that until...well whenever he heals",I say shrugging.

"Okay now to serious stuff. Your crowning ceremony",she says with excitement.

"What about it?",I ask licking my spoon.
"You're kidding right? You're about to become the queen and all you have to say is that. Sometimes I wonder if you have a brain",she says shaking her head.

"Well I do have a brain so stop wondering. Plus I can't say much cause even though I gave out orders on how I want things which by the way I can't tell you how or why cause I don't even remember so what should say?",I ask shrugging.

"Okay okay fine. But I can't wait for it. You'll be all dressed up and looking all bossy",she says in excitement.

"Shouldn't you be scared if I look bossy?",I ask with a raised eyebrow.
"Well cross the bridge when we get there. Let's focus on now alright",she says smiling.
We talk for hours about a lot of stuff and I end up sleeping at her place.
... Sunday
"They are ready to welcome you. Wake up Hope. It's your time",a couple of voices say causing me to open my eyes.

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