chapter 55-left arm

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So it's now afterschool and I'm walking home, it's been a long week and trust me I'm not in the mood.

Lately I've been sleep walking to the kingdom and basically ordering people on what to do for my ceremony and I don't even remember a single thing. Apparently that's how it is,I'll sleepwalk giving orders for arrangements but remember nothing and when it's the day,I'll be surprised cause I won't know. I'll basically sleepwalk and wake up when I'm supposed to get crowned-like I'll get dressed and prepared while sleeping. That is just crazy for me but what can I do.

So Will has made some friends,I never really asked who,but yeah,he has new friends but still comes to sit with us at break.
And now he's behind me, basically following me and thinking how he should start talking to me. Like I'm right here,I don't wanna talk to you.

'okay hey hope. Nah I should start by hi or should I talk about the weather?',he thinks to himself.
Just 2 houses away from mine then I'll be home.
"Hope",he calls out,I pretend to not hear him,I have my airpods on but I'm not playing anything. Its like a sign that says don't talk to me,I'm busy listening to music but he obviously didn't notice since today I let my hair down with a small straight line on my left side for some style and since my hair is curly and fluffy,it's covering my ears.
"Hope",he calls again.

He walks faster and taps on my shoulders causing me to turn around.

I smile,"yes",I then remove the airpods.

"How are you?",he asks.
"Good and you",I say.
"Oh I'm good thanks for asking",he smiles
"Yeah that's great then so why did you call me?",I ask.

"Oh I was thinking if you uh.. if you're still up to show me around. I would have asked Jace but since you said he's still not well I thought of Christie but she's been moody then I asked Chris but he doesn't live around here so I thought-",I cut him off.

"You thought I would show you around",I finish for him and he nods.

"Okay stop thoughting and go get changed,it's now 10 to 3 so you have exactly until 3 o'clock to get changed and meet me at my door. If you're late by even a second,I'm not showing you around",I say as I turn to leave and I sense that he's standing still so I turn to look at him.

"You have 9 minutes left you know",I say and he runs past me.

I walk at my own pace.
"Hey aunty"I greet.
"Hey how was school?",she asks.
"Ill be right back",I say and teleport ro my room.

I drop my bad on the bed. Think of an outfit and done. I have 7 minutes to spare.

After getting dressed,I teleport back downstairs sitting myself next to aunt Mia

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After getting dressed,I teleport back downstairs sitting myself next to aunt Mia.

"School was school. And now i have to show Will around. Do you think i should do something to make him late so I don't have to you know be with him",I say.

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