Chapter 13-read my thoughts

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What should I say?
Oh god help me ...

"Uh you see,I-uh meant it was uh my first time...driving you to uhm this place in your car",I responded convincing myself more than him. I then state down at my feet.

Oh he'll be so mad if he knew I know driving from observing and it was my first time actually driving a car,a real one in fact. But how could he have heard me cause I said the last part to myself,no sound to be heard. I thought to myself.

"You know I can hear you",another voice says.
Wow,so now I'm hearing his voice in my head ,I think again.

"No you're not,I'm surprised you can hear me too",he says again.

I look up at him with wide eyes and say to him out loud.

"Did you say something?",I ask.

"Yes I did",he responds but his lips did not move.

I say to him in my thoughts,"So you can hear my thoughts and I can hear yours?".

"Not really,if you say something and I am concentrating on it,then I'll hear it"he simply says.

Okay this is interesting,I think to myself.

I say out aloud,"okay,let's go inside and you'll explain to me everything".

He nods amd we enter McDonald. We order our food,I chose a Big Mac, creme soda and some fries too and so did Jace. After a while we collect our orders then sit down at a corner where nobody can possibly listen to us.

"Okay,so you're telling me that you have always been listening to my thoughts? And please respond while talking out aloud this time",I ask.

He responds," Well,not really. See you're the first person whose thoughts I can't always read no matter how much I try,I mean I'm shocked as to how you could hear me through your thoughts cause nobody can do that".

I can't tell anyone about my powers,nobody can know as yet,for all I know he might be working with my uncle. Oh what should I tell him.

"Okay since you don't have any explanation and don't seem to be willing to say something, I'll start. I'm not a human"he says and I stare at him with confusion.

"I know,what does that mean? I am actually pretending to be a normal human so I can gain some experience in this human world for when I become ruler of my home,Chanteseba. I am actually the next ruler and that won't happen now but I'm preparing.The fact that you could hear me and I could talk to you without talking aloud means there's something about you too and I want to know",he says again.

I stare at him,unsure of what to say. He raises in eyebrow and waits for me to say something. I open and close my mouth,unsure of what to say to him.

"I get that this is shocking but tell me you're not actually human and then it's easier for me to get why I feel this attraction to you and how we could communicate through our thoughts",he says.

I don't think he heard what he said but okay.

I clear my throat then say,"You're right,I'm not really human. See,I'm from Angevil and I'm going to be queen now that my mom is gone. I'm not sure if you knew but yeah,she passed on. I am actually mutant. Half demon and half angel. I got a couple of powers,and my intelligence is too good,that's how I was able to drive. I know how to do anything that humans can do as long as I've observed someone do it before. Just like you I hear thoughts but there's more,I don't think I should tell you as yet,I mean you haven't told me yours."

"Okay,that's cool and sorry for your loss"he says and i nod.

He then says again," So i have healing powers,speed,can hear thoughts-"he says in a duh tone,"-pause time and control nature,like grow some plants here and there".

"Really that's all?"I ask.

"Think you can do better than that"he asks me while crossing his arms on his chest.

I smile and letting out a little laugh then say"Oh you have no idea".

Seriously no idea,I say to myself as I take a sip of my creme soda.

"Okay,I got more powers than you"I say with a proud smile.

"Oh really,like what?"he asks as he is uncrossing his arms to reach for a fry then takes a bite of it.

"Well,I have speed,can read thoughts and pause time like you and I can actually reverse it too-"I smile and put a hand on my chest showing I'm proud,"-i can fly with or without my wings,I have telekinesis,heat vision,hot and cold breath, mesmerizing powers, strength,flexibility and intelligence obviously, but those are the only powers I'm aware of at the moment. According to culture,as my mom said,I get powers almost every birthday of mine but the moment I turn 16,I get powerful,year by year",I finish my sentence then take a fry.

He's looking at me and isn't saying anything.
Wow,I must have left him speechless.
"What,cat got your tongue?",I say to him.

He answers,"Uhm,uh I don't know what to say,I mean it explains a lot but ...I'm so shocked you got so many and you never show them off",he shakes his head in disbelief with a frown.

"You do remember that I'm hiding this right,only you know,and well Christie cause she's an angel",I say as I shrug at the end. I take my burger and  take a bite of it.

"She's a what?"he whisper yells at me with wide eyes.

"Okay this is weird",another voice says.

Both Jace and I turn to the source of the voice .

"Oh no don't stop at my account,you two are so ignorant,I heard you-"she points at me"-telling Jace here our secrets. Really Hope,I get that you like the guy but seriously,he's only human. He'll tell others, mesmerize him,wipe out that memory from him"she says to me.

"You can wipe memories too?"he asks.

"Christie,sit down"I tell her and she obliges.
I take a deep breath withy eyes closed then start talking.
I turn to have first.
"Jace,I don't wipe memories,I somehow hide them. I mesmerize you into thinking that you forgot but you can remember if I tell you to remember and only me. Unless you go to the Lords of Memories ,but you might just die while gathering the truth."
I then turn to Christie on my side and say,"He is not human,he has powers too and comes from another kingdom so our secret is safe".

After a few minutes of no talking, Christie talks first.
"You do realise that there are cameras in here,so what if they see this footage?"
I respond,"You worry too much,these cameras pick up only physical activities,not sound"I roll my eyes then take a sip of my drink.

"Okay so now that we know each other's secret,what's next?",Jace asks.

"I'm glad you asked ,I'm going to enlighten you on what's been going on since my mom's funeral and trust me we'll need to go to my place so you can sit comfortably and listen to my story cause it's very long." I say.

We quickly finish our meals while Christie finishes her McFlurry.

Jace drives us to my place and luckily my aunt has left already so we head to the living room.

I let them sit and supply some snacks and water bottles.

I take a sit then say,"So on the day of my mom's funeral..."

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