chapter 43-weaknesses

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"So how should we do this?",I ask.
Christie, Chris,Gift and Jace are in the living room with me and Faith.

"Well how about while you heal Mrs Van Rensburg,we go distract Michael",Chris suggests.

"He'll see right through it if Faith is there and I'm not", I say.

"Okay you go heal and I stand in the back of them while we wait for you",Faith says.

"But what if he tries something?",I worriedly ask.
"Don't worry,there's 5 of us against him",she says.

"Plus he isn't after our blood and you two have no weaknesses",Christie says.

"Point made",I say.
"No its not",faith says to herself.
I pause time while holding her hand.

"What going on?",I ask her.
"I have a weakness,it doesn't kill me or at least I hope so but just causes me to be extremely weak",she says.

"Who knows about this?",I ask.
"Uncle Josh",she says.

"Nobody else can know. Most especially Michael",I say and she nods.
I unpause time.

"So since there aren't weaknesses it'll be-", Faith cuts Jace off.

"I have a weakness",she says and everyone turns to her in shock.
"But how?"
"Are you serious?"
"What weakness?"
"No way"
The all comment in shock.

"The gem is a mixture of 3 alien gems. The kryptonite, Moldavite and the sun gem also know as the space peridot. All these form what we call the kryptosunavite gem,it does make me weak, causes me to have no control of my powers when it's near me. I don't know what would happen if I actually touched it",she tell them.

"But how do you not have a weakness?",Gift asks.
"Demon",I say bluntly.
"But still how come?",Chris asks.

"How do I put this? I'm immune to most things. Spells,bullets, swords,death",I say.

"Nothing can kill me,I'm also never gonna get old. I mean maybe there are curses that can work on me but I doubt it",I continue.

"Wow,I can't believe this. Can I stab you just to see you're right?",Chris asks.
"Well I have fast reflexes but I'll try to stay still",I say and he heads to the kitchen to take a knife.

"So I can stab you anywhere?",he asks.
I nod .

I stand up and he circles me.
I feel something poke me.
"Why are you poking me so softly,stab me with all your force",I say.

"Uhm I did",he says hesitantly and shows me a bent knife.

"Aw that was my third favourite knife",I say with a frown.
"That's all you're concerned about?!",Christie shouts.
"A knife couldn't get through your skin,didn't even leave a scratch. You felt a slight poke and you think of your favourite knives?",she asks in disbelief.

"Well what do you expect me to say?",I ask.
"That you're as shocked as us?",she says.

"Well I already used our hardest swords to do it and they bent. I also use a chainsaw on myself but it was just a bit ticklish and seemed like it would break. I was shocked then and there. Now I've accepted",I say simply.

"Okay if you say so",she says shrugging.

"But back to the real issue. Faith has a weakness that nobody outside of this room can come to know",I say sitting down.

It's just the 6 of us in here but there's someone else.

Yes there is. He just got in now. I sensed him but he's invisible and I have to say that the spell he used to not be sensed is pretty good.

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