Chapter 20-sorry

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I immediately turn around to face nothing.

What the hell yet happened?
She was right behind me.
Is she gone?
No way,I still feel her presence in front of me right now.
She must have turned herself invisible. Again.

"Why are you hiding?",I ask.
No response.
"Faith?". Still no response.
"Is is you?",I ask.

I walk to where she is standing and try to touch her by swinging my hands around the spot she stood and she appears but she's falling.

I quickly use my telekinesis while she is about to flap her wings to prevent her from falling. She get back up .

I quickly run to close the door and check if there's anyone and luckily there's no one .

I shut the door and I see her rubbing her arm.

I rush up to her and ask as I attempt to touch her,"Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry . I didn't mean to. Its just that I saw you then you disappeared but I still felt you and I didn't know if I imagined you or if it was another dream cause I saw you in my dre but it felt real too and now I saw you again the you just disappeared and I'm rambling so I'll just keep quiet".
She lets out a small laugh.
"I'm sorry too. I've been following you actually. But you always seemed to notice Andi thought I was pretty good at spying but I guess you also got good senses",she says.

I quickly hug her and she hugs me back .
We're now sobbing on each other's shoulders.
I guess we're both very emotional.

We get interrupted by my phone ringing .
I had put it on the basin when washing my hands,I reach for it and quickly answer it.

"Where are you? We're still in the auditorium in case you forgot",Christie says,well more like yells at me.

"Uhm I'm in the bathroom, I'll be there soon. Just give me 5 more minutes",I say and hang up before she can say anything.

If she wants to find me, she'll take time cause there are like 5 bathrooms for girls on the school premises and this one is not near the auditorium.

"Happy birthday to you too",I say and smile at her.
My sister. My other half. My twin. My family.

I hug her again.

"Okay so I'm sure you're wondering why I've been following you and not showing myself",she says as we pull away from each other.

I nod.

"So uncle Josh pretty much thought he could keep me in the dark forever. I was living with him and well, everything was okay until he told me about our mother."-she looks down at her feet then continues-"I am the one that killed her but please let me explain why I did it,I never wanted to kill her but after Uncle Josh told me that my mom has always wanted me dead since birth,she wanted to keep you away from me.I hated her so much for that and he said I should just kill her and that way I can be with you again. I wanted my sister. I wanted to be with you. And I did it. That night I couldn't sleep. I saw her . Well more like dreamt of her and she told me her side of the story and told me to come back for you on our birthday. I wanted to ask more questions but she was gone. I wanted to ask her to forgive me for taking away her life but I couldn't. All those years I hated her thinking she felt the same way but I was wrong . I'm sorry Hope. I'm really sorry",her voice is cracking and her cheeks are wet of tears.

I wipe the tears and pull her into a hug while caressing her back.

I say,"it's okay. You're not the wrong one. Uncle Josh is the one that will pay. He made you kill our mother. You wouldn't have done it if you were in your right mind."

"But I could've said no. I could've stopped but I didn't."she says while shaking her head on my shoulder.

"Do you by any chance have the mesmerizing powers?",I ask her.

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