chapter 60-dinner

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"What are you doing here?",I ask him as I pull away from the hugging them both.

"We have important issues we have to discuss",he says causing me to drown at his tone.
He has never spoken like this with me.

"Okay what is it?",I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"You ended the Levidas kingdom",he says.
"So?",I ask.
"They were our alliance",he says.
"So are we so what's your point exactly?",I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"We formed alliances with them first. You broke our trust and-",I cut him off.

"Slow down Jace. First of all,I did what I had to do okay. They came here to fight us without even challenging us. Meaning they were clearly here for an ambush, the king proved to be a coward too since he didn't even come. Secondly,you're in my kingdom,so don't you dare come here and speak to me as you please cause I can end you even if you're a close friend. Lastly,if you have nothing good to say,I suggest you say your threats and leave and don't give me a long ass boring speech about trust",I say .

"Okay look. I get that he sent his people here but you didn't have to kill all of his people and basically erase the place",he says.
"Oh I had to,I said the next kingdom to come fight me would be no more and I kept my word",I say shrugging as though it's not a big deal.

"But he was our alliance,my father wants nothing to do with you after this and-",I cut him off.

"What does your kingdom have to do with this? Last time I checked I formed alliances with Chanteseba not Levidas. So why is your father taking things personal?",I ask.

"He isn't taking things personal,he is just doubting the wa-",I cut him off.
"Why are you not saying anything?",I ask Chris who has been standing with us but saying nothing.

"Well what can I say cause if I say something he'll call me a traitor. I already spoke my thoughts to his dad but still",he says shrugging.
"Oh so you agree with me?",I ask.
"Yeah. I mean I asked him,what if his kingdom was in your shoes,what would he have done",he says.

"Exactly. You know what Jace,go tell your dearest daddy Sebata that I'm coming this evening,I'm officially inviting myself for dinner with just me and your parents only. We'll have a talk woman to man since he's not here,so I'll come to him. Now if you'll excuse me,I have a kingdom to rule so I'll see your parents at dinner,expect me at 7,that's my dinner time and make sure there are grapes on the table cause they're my favorite",I say then teleport to the garden I was in before seeing Jace and Chris.

I hear footsteps approaching .
I turn to see Christie with a bowl of grapes with her.

"Hey H",she greets showing me the grapes with a smile.

"Hey",I say .

"What kept you busy?",she asks.
"Well it was Chris and Jace not so long ago",I say taking the bowl from her.
"Wait Chris is here?",she asks looking around.
"I left them at the back of the castle by the hill",i say.
"Oh so they must have left already",she mumbles to herself.

"Don't know don't care",I say shrugging.
"So how about a girls night. We haven't had it in a month now",she says.
"How about tomorrow night?",I ask.
"Why not tonight?",she asks.
"I've been invited to dinner at their kingdom",I say with a smirk.

"I know that face. What really happened,did they invite you or you invited yourself?",she asks looking at me with suspicion.

"I simply told them to expect me for dinner at 7 cause I have some talking to do with their so called king who is not happy with me for ending the Levidasians",I say shrugging and eat a grape.

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