chapter 57-Luna

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"Elaborate",I state.

"Well we all know that we are a kingdom ran by only queens and even if we have regents,it remains a female. Yet you involved your father who by the way you weren't supposed to know of",he says.

"And how is that an issue?",I ask getting annoyed.
"Well thing is-",I cut him off.
"Do not get on my nerves Sir Nathaniel. I do not have even a day being queen and you already have issues with my ways of ruling. If this was really a kingdom run by queens and most positions being held by females,what are you doing here? Huh? If I wasn't supposed to know my father then why did my mother,the same queen Ceridwen I preceded,know about her father and asked me to find my father? If she didn't have an issue along with the other previous queens,who are you to question it or have an issue with it? I carried out my role as required by my foremothers and I will continue to do so whether you have an issue with it or not",I say sternly.

They all nod.
"If any of you have issues with how I rule,tell me and I will set things straight for you. But let it be something that is affecting the kingdom and our people badly,not something that has to do with my personal life",I say.
"Is that clear?",I ask sternly.
They all nod.

"I asked of it was clear, you all have mouths and voices so I suggest you use then because I haven't made you all mute. So am I clear?",I say.

"Yes your highness",they all say.
"Now is there anything else you have an issue with which has nothing to do with my personal life?",I ask.

"My Queen. We have been wondering as to how you will rule since you're a student in the human world",Maxwell says.

"I will rule while studying. My father will no longer be regent as I am now crowned queen. He will however be my assistant so he can pass everything to me so I can help the kingdom",I say.
"My Queen, we wanted to know if you would want to change members of the council",Sandré asks.

"As far as I am concerned,the members of the council have been doing a good job,if any of you want to give up the position,alert me 2 weeks before so I can get your replacement. If any of you ever,and I mean ever,do anything to get me in a bad mood whether I am here or not,I will not hesitate to not only take away your position but also end you",I threaten at the end.

"Yes your highness",they all say.

"And can we not act all formal when it's just us. Just call me Hope like before,when we're not alone,you can call me all that royal stuff",I say to which they all smile releasing small laughs.

"So is there anything else?",I ask.
"Are you really going to make our lives a living hell?",Jonas asks.
"I wouldn't say yes but I also wouldn't say no. I'll treat you the same way as I always have,with respect as you're all older than me but now that I'm queen I obviously need to act older like all of you in terms of being strict and serious so if I have to bring hell for you,I will",I say shrugging.

They all nod.
"And also nobody is allowed to enter this study without me. That's just wrong",I say shaking my head and stand properly.

"Agreed",they all say.
As they all leave the study uncle Jonas is the last one.
"You're going to be a great queen Hope",he says and I walk to leave with him.

"How can you tell?",I ask.
"The way you took charge. Nathaniel was only trying to see if you would feel the need to explain yourself or put him in his place so he can know that no one will walk on your head. And you proved it",he says.

"Oh thanks I guess. But I was also annoyed by the fact that I haven't been able to eat today",I say.

"What are you talking about,you are right before you went to get dressed and I have to say you had quite an appetite",he says laughing.
"I don't remember eating but I'm still hungry,all that talking caused it",I say.

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