Chapter 18-invisibility

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I stop and stare at the shadow and as I walk to wards it,it moves backwards until a bolt of wind and I see a person,with wings,flying away. I can't tell if it's a female or male but the hair was all curly and natural like mine .
For a moment I wanted to believe it was her.
For a moment I wanted to be glad she came.
But I asked myself why now,why here and why she hid herself.

And she can be invisible too,maybe I can do that too but I'm not sure so well have to see.
"Hope!",someone tells causing me to turn and face them.

I'm still shocked as to what I've seen.
"What did you see cause that was certainly not a vision",Christie says.

"I think I just saw my sister"I say as I look straight in her eyes then continue,"well not straight in her face but I sensed someone's presence,I sensed it and saw a shadow,as I went towards her,she spread her  wings and flew. But the moment she began to fly,she was no longer invisible. I saw her clearly but not her face. I believe it's her,I mean our hair looks the same,so that should mean something right?",I ask looking between Jace and Christie.

"I get you want to meet her and you will,but I don't think it was her,I mean why come here and hide. If you were my long lost twin,I would want to make sure you see me ",she says as she gestures towards herself.

"So stop worrying about it and wait till tomorrow to actually see her",she says.
Jace nods and says,"Yeah i agree with her. Lets just wait and see,okay?".

The whole day I felt watched and not by anyone but her . From class to class,even after school I asked my aunt to drop me off and when I was finally alone in the house,I thought maybe she left.

I have to admit,her spying skills are kinda bad but I'll teach her a thing or two. I mean she's my sister after all.
I am angry that she's partly at fault for our mother's death but she had her reasons and I'll have to wait to hear it tomorrow.

I have some Mathematics homework so I'm busy with it at the moment.

Okay so determine the length of AE using the cosine rule with reference to-
I get cut off by a knock on the door. I get up from my desk and head out of my bedroom.

Strange,my aunt already bought me dinner and well she normally let's herself in. I'm not expecting anyone since Jace said he'll return midnight from his kingdom and Christie said she'll be spending some time with her dad,it's an every Thursday thing.

I hear another knock as I walk past the kitchen towards the door while shouting ,"I'm coming!",and hurry to open it.

I was never prepared for this.
This was supposed to be for tomorrow.
I'm not supposed to be this surprised. Am I?
But why now? Why not tomorrow morning ?

"Are you Ms Hope Anderson?",the man asks me.
"Uhm yes",i answer with hesitation.

"Oh well these are for you and there's actually more so can I grab the rest while you sign here",he says as he gives me a clipboard showing me where to put my signature.
He brings in a few more balloons,flowers,and gifts.
A lot of them .
He made about 5 trips to and from his van to put the things my kitchen.
I thank him and close the door when he's gone .

What the hell is wrong with people and wasting money.
I know I can deal with plants but that doesn't mean I want them here, especially after being murdered like that.
Oh poor flowers. What have they done to you.
I know there's not a lot of vases so I'll have to multiply the available two.
I use a spell to create a duplicate of the vases a few times to have 10 vases in total.

After putting away the flowers in the vases and watering them,also nursing then with my powers,I take them to the garden house,one of my favourite spots in the yard. I then take the gifts and balloons towards the living room.

I then put the gifts as well as the balloons all around the couches.
When I'm done,I decide I should head back upstairs and finish my work.

When I get to my room,I find my sliding door open and I don't remember opening it.

it today. I only opened the windows.
I close the sliding door and when I sit at my desk to continue my work,I feel strange.
As though something just happened but I can't tell what it is.
I feel like something is wrong .

As though my things were tempered with but I can't tell what it is.
I don't sense anyone around me .

I get up from my chair and look around .
Everything looks like it's in place.
I look all around the room and notice it.
My bed. Someone had sat on it and it definitely wasn't be.
My bed was so neat and flat but now,it's a bit wrinkly at the end of it.

I walk towards my bed and trail my fingers through the spot that a certain someone had sat.
I sniff my hand as I walk towards my mirror in the bathroom.
I close my eyes as i deeply inhale trying to sniff in the scent from the bed.

I look in the mirror and see myself.

That's not how it works.
I'm supposed to transform into someone else,to be specific,the person that was in my room and sat on my bed.

I know I never mentioned this power to anyone but that was what I promised my Mom and a promise is a promise. Not even Christie knows about it. Only my Mom and Uncle Jonas knew about it. Nobody else was to know as long as I was not crowned queen yet.

So I stare at the reflection in the mirror.
But I still see my reflection,but with wings,not the same colour as mine though.

My wings are a light shade of blue and is glittery but the ones I see are purple with some sparkle too.

If what I'm thinking is right then the person who was here is none other than my sister,Faith.

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