chapter 51-funeral again

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"So you planned this whole thing?", dumbtim asks me.
"Well it was her last wish so yeah",I say drinking some water.

"H,I know I come off as someone who dislikes you but I care about you",he says.

"Oh I knew long ago that I'm like the sister you never had but wished to have",I say with a smirk.

"I take back my words,I hate you",he says.
"Okay,good for you",I say.

"Are you okay?",he asks as he puts his hand over my forehead and neck as if to check I'm fine.

Nope. My sister is no more. What do you think,I am happy? Dumbtim.
I roll my eyes at his stupidity.
"Yeah why?", I ask.

"You didn't say you love me too like always",he says with furrowed eyebrows.

"I rather show it than say it now",I say.
"I don't like this",he says.
"Don't like what?",I ask knowing what he meant.

"I think I prefer the more bitchy sensitive you than this bitchy hardcore you",he says.
"Oh so I'm bitchy,that's nice",I say.
"This won't go anywhere",he says rolling his eyes.
"Giving up so fast,what happened to you dumbtim?",I mock him.

"When will you stop calling me that?",he asks in annoyance.
"Uhm lemme think",I say then hold my chin and look up as though in thought then continue,"never".

"Whatever,go talk to other guests cause you're annoying me",he says as he leaves me while saying to himself,'But you'll always be my favourite funny cuz'.

"Hey Tim",I say causing him to stop and turn to me. I walk up to him.
"I love you and you're my favourite funny cuz too",I say inwardly to him with a smile then hug him and leave him standing there in shock. I'll never say it out aloud so he should just take it like that.

'she just complimented me,she must be planning my death too',he thinks to himself while Jason stops me and says,"If he's the favourite funny one,then what am I. You know,you wound me sometimes".

"You're the favourite funny wise cuz",I say with a smile.

"That doesnt help you know",he says .

"Okay,ke maswabi. But I love you too though so is that good",I ask and he shrugs.
(Translation:I am sorry)

"Well you're forgiven and it doesn't do much but it's okay",he says.

"But how are you though?",he asks.

"Well obviously I'm not good but I'll manage",I say.
"I don't blame you. This was unexpected . I mean we just got her back and now this...",he trails off.

"Look. I don't wanna be depressed about this whole shit so let's not be talking like this",I request.
"Wow,what happened to you letting out all your emotions for me to know?",he asks.

"Things happen",I says.
"What things?",he asks.
I sigh then tell him about the fight with Michael and the kryptosunavite part,also about the library talk.

"I don't know whether to be impressed or upset that you kept this from me for this long",he says .

"Can it be both?",I ask.
"Hell no. I'm mad at you",he says.

"Oh well bye then",I say as I turn to leave but he stops me.
"Hey where are you off to? You're supposed to bribe me to forgive you",he says.
"Nope,you'll heal on your own if you're mad. No more bribery cuz",I say.

After the funeral...

Well a lot has happened. I'm now lying in my bed starring at the ceiling. Tomorrow I have school. And i have to admit a lot has happened in such a short period of time.

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