chapter 17-one day left

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Tomorrow is my birthday. And let's not forget my sister is coming. I am glad but nervous too. What if she comes with anger and it takes time to get her to be good. Or what if what I saw in the future was the result of me not knowing but now that I know,things may change.
Today is actually Thursday and well I have to go to school. I haven't been getting much sleep for the past 2 days. And now it's only 4:00.
I decide it's best to sleep a bit since my alarm will go off at 4:50.

My alarm starts to go off and I feel like I only slept for 5 minutes.
I do my bed,head to the bathroom,brush my teeth and take a shower.
Since it's not Friday, I have to wear my uniform today. I take out my uniform and get ready . I pull out my blazer which is dark blue,my tunic which is also blue but has a white collar,my socks which are white.


fter getting ready,I grab my schoolbag and phone then head downstairs. It's only 6:00 so I can make breakfast
I quickly text my aunt that I'll only need lunch cause I have made breakfast.
I make myself a bacon,egg and cheese sandwich with some grape juice.
I love grape juice too much so why not.

After eating,I do the dishes and it's only 6:55 so I'm have to wait for my aunt .
I decide to go on tik tok and watch a few videos and before I know it,it's time to go.
I grab my things,lock the house and get to the car.
"Morning",I greet my aunt.
"We need to talk when we get to school",she says without even turning to look at me and drives off.
We drove in silence and it was so tense for me.

I just want to know what's going on in her head and she's singing stone cold by demi Lovato to herself.

When I want to know what's in that head of hers,she just has to sing but when I don't care,she thinks evilly. This woman.

When we get to school,we get to her office and sit down.
"So tomorrow is your birthday",she starts and I nod.
"As you know, according to our culture that means you must have powers and you have none which is worrying so you have to pick your successor and I'm willing to be one . Also I have been told by uncle Jonas yesterday,that you have a sister. And I'm still unable to track her down but your uncle said he'll also try to find her",she says.

Uncle Jonas is actually one of the people who were giving me the right father figure and knew about some of my powers but kept it a secret. I haven't seen him in 2 years and he probably can to the funeral but I didn't see him or any of the elders. I've been getting letters from him only so considering that I haven't seen him in so long,I miss our one on one talks and when he would help my Mom train me.

I'm just concerned about how my beloved uncle plans to bring back Faith considering that she's supposed to come back out of the blue but oh well.

"So as you know, tomorrow is your birthday and well you were meant to have a party but now it can't happen since you said it was a waste of money. But you can call some of your friends over and we'll have a dinner tomorrow and maybe some lunch on Saturday if you like",she says.

I respond,"Uhm yeah,dinner and lunch sound good. I'll invite Christie and Jace,so that's okay".

She stares at her wristwatch and thinks to herself,'I better get to that meeting'.
"Don't you have a meeting today?",I ask her.

"Actually I do,and since we have spoken ,I'll be leaving and don't forget to lock my office okay",she says as she heads out of her office.

It is only 7:15 so I decide to check my timetable and today is Day 4 and it goes like this...
Period 1-Afrikaans
            5-Life Orientation
            6-Life Sciences
My timetable can get a bit complicated when I have two double periods or a computer lesson and a double period. But I like it that way.

I put my Afrikaans, Mathematics and L.O books in my school bag leaving the rest in the office,lock the door then go to the quad.

As I am walking to the quad,I notice Juliana standing with another guy and they're holding hands and flirting. Ugh .
I've seen that guy but never really cared to know who he was but Juliana is never that touchy with another guy except Jace. And to top it,in front of Jace,who is only a few feet away from her,standing with Christie. Isn't he her boyfriend? Relationships these days.

I walk towards my friends and greet them before pulling both of them into hugs,but this time Jace and I didn't hug too long. So that's something but it felt so very wrong .

"So before I forget,you two have to come for dinner tomorrow and lunch on Saturday for my birthday."I say.

They simply nod and Jace asks,"Weren't you supposed to have some sweet 16 party or something like that?".
"Are you dumb,stupid or dumb,huh?",I ask him while shaking my head,I actually took that phrase from some video I saw on tik tok when I was waiting for my aunt .

"Anyways,I want to avoid drama since you know",I say .
"Know what?", Christie asks.
"Well , unexpected visitor tomorrow",I say to them.

"Oh right ,she's coming tomorrow", Jace says.
"Exactly,so imagine her showing up at a party, surprising everyone. So it's better when it's just a few people",I say.

"Okay but how do we know if she'll come when it's the lunch or dinner", Christie asks.

"She's coming when we're celebrating the birthday so it has to be tomorrow",Jace says in a duh tone as he rolls his eyes in the end.

"But we're celebrating tomorrow and Saturday so when exactly?", Christie asks.
"Oh I didn't think of that",he says .

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see",i say then suggest we walk around the school before our first lesson.
As we're walking I felt someone pass and when I turn to look,there's nobody.

Maybe I'm just imagining things.

When the first bell rings,we decide to walk to class and talk about what I should propose to the other RCL members about our fundraising and events for the term. I can't really concentrate cause I feel like someone is watching me but when I turn there's nobody.

"Guys I feel like I'm being watched",I say as I look around .
"There's nobody this side of the school and you're probably just stressed out about your sister's arrival",Jace says.
"Yeah,just relax. Nobody is here except us", Christie says.
And I just nod then we keep walking. I don't blame them for thinking this but my senses are never wrong. Whoever is following me,is closer to my heart than I can imagine but I don't know how or who it could be.

I sense being followed again so I look around but this time I also see that person's shadow.

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