Chapter 21-Surprise

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We've been sitting in the living room and they wanted me to open up the gifts but like always I said I would do it the next day. I refused like always but this time it was cause I want to open them with my sister.

Its almost 6 and she's still not here.

"Okay, everyone,let's head to the dining table and eat",my aunt says. Everyone starts to get up.

"Wait!",I shout to stop the others from getting up furthermore.
They all look at me with confusion as they sit back.

"Why? Aren't you hungry?", uncle Jonas asks.

"No,I am hungry but I thought we would start eating at 6 o'clock on the dot",I say.

"We might as well eat now. I mean everyone is here and it's almost 6 so why not?",uncle Josh says.

Because I want us to eat after a certain guest arrives.
I say to myself .

"Uhm okay then let's go dig in",I say as I get up .

They will choke in their own food so that's on them.
They should've just waited but do they care... no.

Oh I wonder when she'll arrive.

"Uhm before we eat,I forgot to ask Christie and Hope here what they did in maths. Can you please excuse us? Right thanks",Jace says as he pulls Christie and I up the stairs with him without waiting for the adults to respond.

We get into my bedroom.

"What math work were you talking about?",I ask as soon as he shuts the door.

"Don't play dumb and spill the beans"he says.

"Me? Playing dumb? And there are no beans in my room but I can go get them downstairs",I say with a smile

"You know what he means. Tell us what's going on. You've been checking the time and trying to delay dinner ", Christie says.

"Yeah,and I read some of your thoughts . Who are you expecting ? Is it your sister?",he asks.

"Yeah",I simply say.

"She's coming?",she asks.

"Yes",I say.

"Tonight?",he asks.

"Ye-"I get cut off by a knock on the door and glass breaking.

"Let the show begin",I say as I walk out the door.

She is finally here.

As we walk down the stairs,I hear people talking.

"Why are you here? Where have you been?", uncle Josh asks.
"So you finally came,its past six",uncle Jonas says.
"Get the hell out of here",uncle Josh says to Faith.
"And why would I do that? Oh hey aunty", Faith says with a smile as she walks past a shocked aunt Agnes.

"Hey guys",she says as she walks towards us and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey",I say with a smile while hugging her.

As I let go,she points towards Christie and Jace. They are also shocked. Looking between Faith and I.

"What's up with them? Its like they just saw a ghost",she says with a small laugh at the end.

I laugh as I respond,"I know right. They kinda tried knowing why I kept checking the time but before I could clarify,you knocked".

"So I don't get a hug",uncle Jonas says with an amused smile as he stands behind us with wide open arms .

Faith and I smile as we turn around and hug him at the same time while he kisses our foreheads.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time",he says as we pull out of the hug.

"You knew -"Faith and I say at the same time in disbelief. Mostly shock.

Faith and I turn to look at each other and smile at the same time .

It's the first time we spoke the same thing at the same time.

"I couldn't do anything about it. Your uncle thought he could keep you two away from each other till who knows when-"he rolls his eyes then continues"-but I told him it wouldn't work out. So here we are today and I'm hungry so let's go eat.",uncle Jonas says.

We all walk to the dining table quietly. Only uncle Jonas,faith and I are smiling,aunt Agnes and my friends are shocked and uncle Josh seems furious but he'll have to get over it.

So Faith sits at one end of the table while I sit on the other.
On the one side,aunt Agnes is seated between my uncles and on the other side of the table,there's Christie and Jace.

The food was all on the table. She decided to do a several colours meal. So like her.

My Mom would have went way overboard with the food . I really miss her.
I wish that I could've been grateful for all those years she was here.

I reach for the rice bowl and dish up. If my Mom were here,my plate would be filled already waiting for me, a voice suddenly brings me to reality.

"So why are you here?",he asks.

"Yes. Why today, we've searched for you but nothing . And you just show up. What do you want?", Evil aunty says.

I put the bowl and spoon down then say,"She doesn't have to answer to you two. Last time I checked she's your niece,my sister and this is her home",then reach for the creamy spinach.

"Thanks H,so adding to what she said"-she turns from me to my uncle-,"I knew you wouldn't bring me here so I brought myself. I mean for the past 7 years,I've been wanting to come but you always made sure I never came and when I saw Mom in my dreams,saying she doesn't blame me and i shouldn't blame myself or anyone as it was by a prophecy that it happened. She said I should search for my sister,gave me all the places I could search and when I found her"-she turns to me -"I knew I had to come back so I decided that I'll come this time but on my own. "

"I love you and things will work out okay",I say inwardly to her and she nods as she smiles replying inwardly that she loves me too.

The rest of the dinner goes by with uncle Jonas reminding us of days when my Mom was still alive and how my life was without Faith and the other way around.

After the dinner,uncle Josh,uncle Jonas and evil aunty take their leave.

Since there's no school tomorrow,Jace and Christie had planned to stay over for the weekend.

So after we do the dishes,well the girls and I since Jace was pretty much on his phone,we head to the living room.

"So are you two gonna tell us what the hell happened today?",Christie asks.

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