chapter 59-war

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A few months later...

So it has been a couple of months since my crowning and life has been busy. Me being queen and a school child. Not nice.
And lemme say this,writing exams while ruling is not easy but lucky for me,I somehow have photographic memory for everything,so I just had to scan my notes and textbooks and I wrote well.

So now is the last day of school. Well for the year 2020 and my last day as a grade 11. So now I have my results and I'm going to the house so I can change and go home with Christie.

So it's basically December the 4th,a Friday.

Will hasn't been much of a problem but is still flirty,I just had to make him fall out of his crush with me or whatever you call it.

Will hasn't been much of a problem but is still flirty,I just had to make him fall out of his crush with me or whatever you call it

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Her outfit and hair...

I get changed as soon as I'm at my house,ever since I've been queen,I try my best to dress all royal but I just can't.

I mean those lady suits or dresses,I fail so at least I dress in heels and make sure my hair is presentable.

I also learnt that most Angevilans have been happy with my ruling so far and the funniest thing happened just a few weeks after my crowning.

A stupid kingdom named Hilldrog tried to put an end to my kingdom.
The king tried to actually kill me. But I don't blame him for not knowing,nobody apart from the elders and council know of all my powers.

So that war was quite fast and easy if you ask me,one would think they weren't prepared. I mean it was one against an army. Yes,me against that king and his people. Since I have been queen my powers were much more than I expected,as a demon,I apparently could take and give life so I used that as my advantage at the war.

But I knew that some people still questioned how I defeated the Hilldrog kingdom. I didn't take their kingdom,I simply let it be run by the heir who I actually have under my control,not by his choice but since I have him mesmerized. I've had a fair share of fights which I won, basically 5 kingdoms which I have fought since I became queen. Only 2 of the wars where I went with my army as I had to rush here from school. It has been a journey but it's what I have to do and it makes me feel at peace knowing that I'm fighting for my kingdom and protecting my people so they go to sleep knowing they're safe.

So back to reality,I changed out of my uniform and I'm waiting for Christie.

She is now part of the council as one of the members passed on,it was time as he was old so yeah. We have meetings every weekend to plan on the week coming ahead of us. We actually get very lucky but it's a lot of work for me. So since we have vampires,who can feed on normal food instead of blood,we still get them human blood for their survival.

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