chapter 22-story time

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Faith and I look at each other and nod in understanding that we should just tell them .

"Should I start?",she asks inwardly with a raised eyebrow.

I nod.

"Why is it so hard to read your thoughts?",Jace asks with furrowed eyebrows. We turn to look at him.

Faith and I giggle then both say to each other inwardly,"Oh he's so funny"- I say then she adds-"and cute".
I nod in agreement.

Then turn to face each other.

"So where should I start?",she asks.
"From the moment you found out about me",I say and lean back into the couch.
"Okay",she sighs then turns to face Christie and Jace.

"So let's agree on two things. When I talk,you don't disturb me at all, save the questions until I tell you to ask. Also just nod so I know you're keeping up,okay?", Faith asks and we all nod.

"So here's how it all began. From the moment I could speak I regarded uncle Josh as my dad and he didn't mind til I was 9. When I was 9 years old,I asked him where Mom was and he dropped the truth bomb on me. My whole life felt like a lie and I was just lost . He told me that he wasn't my father but my mother's brother,that I'm a princess,that mom wanted nothing to do with me the minute she gave birth,that my dad left the moment he knew Mom was pregnant,but he mentioned the most important part about me having a twin. I felt hatred towards both the parents for not wanting me at all . When I accepted that they didn't want me,well at least I thought I did accept . I thought I would move on until I learnt about my powers. Uncle Jonas has always been there but never said anything and when I told him about the sudden changes,he taught me how to use my powers and said that one day I'll find out the truth which I partly got when I was 9. I can fly with or without wings but for some reason I prefer using my wings more"-she pauses and asks herself 'why wings though'-"so anyways,I can control time,can electrocute,have telekinesis, invisibility,visions,have cold and hot breath,I can transform into anything and anyone if I sniff their scent first though. Those are the powers I'm aware of so far. Also I'm somehow very smart ,like so smart I have to teach my teacher sometimes since I am a homeschooler. So when I was around 14, I found out that dad is still alive but uncle doesn't know I know. I mean I just saw a man saying he was our dad and he needs our help to escape. When I was now 15,I did the most horrible thing. I murdered my own Mom.",she releases a tear and I quickly lean forward and wipe it. She gives me a sad smile and I nod for her to continue

"So my uncle told me that either I kill her or she kills me. I knew she didn't want me alive and I believed that she would actually come after me. So I did it. I killed her . That very same night I couldn't sleep. I cried about it. The fact that I killed her to live. It didn't feel like I was doing it cause I wanted. It was as if I wasn't in control of my mind. When I slept that night,I saw her. She was crying but with joy. I was confused even more when she hugged me. She said that she has been waiting for me to kill her in order to find Hope. I didn't understand why though so I asked. She said that we weren't meant to live together,me her and Hope,that she didn't choose between her twins,that she found out about me a few years after but couldn't do anything so she let my uncle continue taking care of me,that she was always watching me. She told me where I should go to find Hope and after that she said we must find our father,he's being held hostage and she can't tell where or by whom but we must find him before it's too late. Before the dream we ended,I kept apologizing and she said I shouldn't blame myself or anyone for it as it was by the prophecy that I had to kill her in order to reunite with my sister",she starts sobbing and I pull her into a hug and cry with her.

Jace starts to caress both our back while Christie caresses our hands.

I couldn't ask for better friends at this moment.

After a few minutes,we stop crying and pull away from each other.

I tell Faith that I'll continue.

"So after that she kept searching for me and found me. Remember when I kept saying that I feel watched?"I ask them and they nod.

"It was her,she was the one following me around. Then earlier today when I was done using the bathroom,she was behind me. I didn't think it was her but yeah. So we planned that she would come surprise everyone and now we're here",I say.

They nod and Jace asks,"Can we start asking questions now?"

I turn to my sister and she nods.

"Go ahead",I say.

"So your Mom confirmed that your dad is alive and it's a must to find him?",he asks.

We both nod.

"But why would she want you to go after the same man who left her after finding out about her pregnancy?",he asks.

"One thing I know is that,we have to find him before it's too late",Faith says .

"Yeah,mom wouldn't tell us to search for him if it weren't serious",I add.

"But how exactly are we going to find him?",Christie asks.

"Aahhh", Faith and I shout.

We weren't expecting a message from uncle Jonas anythime soon. Most especially right now,I mean he's been gone for only a few hours

"The power of two is stronger than of one",it says.

I stare at my wrist and turn to face faith.

"The power of 2 is stronger than of one",both of us say as we smile the turn to face at two confused faces.

"You're not helping you know",Christie says with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't you get it. It means that faith and I have to work together and not individually to find our dad.",I say.

"So what now?", Jace asks.

"Now we watch some movies then we can rest and go over our plans tomorrow morning ",Faith says.

We all nod in agreement as we sit down comfortably and choose movies.

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