Chapter 7:Be curious

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Faith looks up to the ceiling and says,"So dad,you're the one who actually found him and healed him. You found out that uncle Josh had kidnapped him since everyone including him knew about mom being pregnant. So when you found out,you visited dad in his dreams and took me along with you,asked him where he was,how he was and why he's been gone. He told us everything,you then used the needle",she says as she looks at me with the look that says she's against it then continues,"You saw that uncle Josh told dad about mom being pregnant and when dad found out,he was so happy but Josh could not allow him to be happy with us so he held dad hostage since then. When we found dad's location,we had already wiped uncle Josh's memory but you used the needle again,we then fetched him. He did forgive uncle but dad doesn't live here with us,you told him to watch Angevil for us while we are away,and he's doing a great job by the way. He's actually our royal advisor,we forced him,he didn't want anything to do with ruling or helping to rule,he said he was afraid he might be in danger but we put him under a protection spell with a few mixtures of our twin powers. I'm not sure which powers did it but yeah he's not in danger and will never be",she says never while shaking her head . I reply,"Enough about dad,who exactly is my boyfriend?",I ask in a confused tone. She replies,"Jace".I widen my eyes in which and say,"No way,are you telling me that I'm the girlfriend of Jace Smith, the hottest guy I used to go to high school with,the one that lives a few houses away?". Faith laughs and says,"Yes,that Jace Smith,and also were both dating him.".
"That's not an issue,it makes it more fun that I'm sharing him with you",I say.
"Well,he was actually here yesterday and wanted to see both of us,i think he wants to propose",she says.
"Are you serious,how long have we dated this guy?",I say.
"It's been 3 years now",she answers.
"Does he know about our powers?",I ask.
"Yes,he has powers too. He can read thoughts too,pause time but not reverse it or go to the future,the can only pause it for humans with no powers though,he can control nature like grow trees and plants,he can heal visible wounds and has super speed."
I'm so shocked ,I had absolutely no idea. I'm so speechless.
She says," I know right,shocker. Also he has his own kingdom that he'll soon rule ,called Chanteseba."
I could see her lips move but I think I heard what I needed to hear. I think it's time to go use the memory needle,I have to. I need to know how I found my dad,how I wiped people's memories and gave them new lives.
I tell Faith I need to go to the bathroom and yet go to the attic. I enter the attic and shut the door quietly so she doesn't hear where I headed up to. I put everything in place,the candles,the powder and spell book. "Badimo Baka,badimo ba bagolo,itlang,mpheng matla, mpotsheng nnete,tell me the truth of everything I need to know since the day my sister came",after I had just said and I'm about to see the truth Faith shouts,"Hope,stop!". But I'm far gone to come back to her. Now I wonder if I'll know the truth or I'll have to ask what happened while I was gone again...

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