Chapter 15-Back to school

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Today is the day I go back to prison. The hellhole people call school. Where our brains are tormented.

It also feels weird considering that I now have nobody to say bye to,I have nobody to wish me a great day at school,nobody to buy me or make me lunch. I really miss my mom.
I grab my towel as I hear out of the shower .

Today is the first day back,meaning it's civvies .
At Waverley High,we have a school uniform but on the first day returning and last day of a term,it's civvies,even every Friday. Our school is okay,I guess,we don't have the queen bees or dramatic stuff like that which makes it fun. Though it's sad we don't have a cafeteria or lockers so we carry out books everywhere.

So today I have no idea to wear so I'm starring at my wardrobe. Usually my mom picks out my outfits when it's civvies but now it's up to me. I pick out my clothes,grab my schoolbag and phone then head downstairs.

I debate on whether to buy some fatcakes, McDonald,make some cereal or use a spell to make a proper breakfast

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I debate on whether to buy some fatcakes, McDonald,make some cereal or use a spell to make a proper breakfast.

Well it's the first day back and breakfast is the most important meal of the day right.

I take out a plate ,put it on the kitchen counter,do the spell and tada,my breakfast is served.
Its just pancakes and I pour myself some grape juice.
When I'm done,I wash the plate .

As I'm drying my hands,I hear a car bell outside.

Dear aunty is here to fetch me. I quickly grab my phone and bag,also house keys. I lock the house and put the keys away in my pocket then get into the car.

"Hey aunty",I say as I put on the seatbelt.
I have a habit of sitting in the front sit .

"Hey,did you eat breakfast? I wasn't sure so I got you some muffins and your favourite,grape juice",she says as she reaches for the food on the back seat.

"Oh thanks aunt,I actually used a spell to make breakfast but it wasn't enough,you're a lifesaver",I say as I take the food from her.

"I guess I should just start bringing breakfast for you everyday then",she says as she laughs at the end then starts to drive off to school.

As I'm eating,I tell myself that I should start to learn to cook. I mean,I know she won't poison me but I don't want to depend on her for my food.

We finally arrive at school and well unlike most principals,my aunt arrives just 10 minutes before the first lesson which is not usually done but nobody questions it.

"Uhm aunty,are you planning to drop me off or should I walk?",I ask as I reach for the door handle.

"Uhm,let's go to my office so we can discuss the arrangements okay?",she says as she get off.

The walk to her office was silent and as usual the early learners were starring.

When we got to her office,I sit down and wait for her to sit and when she does,she starts talking.
"Okay,so this is how it's going to work. I'll be your morning ride no matter what but after-school,you choose whether you want me to drop you off or you want to walk okay. When we're at school,you don't have to act badly cause I'm your aunt,that will only cause trouble. I'll provide you with breakfast and lunch,also dinner. I also have to give you your own card for when you want to buy things for yourself in case I'm not there, it'll be delivered today when you're still here so expect to be called to my office during school hours unless you're leaving with me after-school. I also can't stand the thought of you living alone so I'll give you a choice to either live with me or you get an adult to live with you. "She says.
All I've been doing was nodding.
"Okay,uhm I plan to walk home with my friends so i am expecting the card before after-school. And uh,I will look for someone to babysit me if it makes you feel better. Oh how much is in the card by the way?",I ask.

"Uhm,at the moment,there's about R500 000,but you actually get R50 000 every month"she says.

Okay,not bad. I mean I'm not even used to buying things for myself.

"Uhm okay,thanks aunt,see you when I see you I guess"I say as I stand up.

I say bye when I walk out and walk towards the quad,that's were we usually have our assemblies and where I meet up with people in the morning.

I'm seeing a lot of people and smiling at almost all of them. I'm not popular or anything like that.
I am known for a lot though, apparently I'm known for being the beauty with brains,very academic and sporty,being friendly but too serious sometimes and the most known fact is being related to the principal.

I finally see Christie standing alone, starring at her phone and taping non stop.

"Why are you so focused on your phone"I ask as I reach her.

She looks up at me and smiles as she comes to hug me.
"I was wondering when you would arrive",she says as she pulls away from the hug.
One thing about her is that she is a big hugger,not that I'm complaining, and can be all friendly but when shit gets real,she is so serious you don't want to mess with her.

"Nah,I've been here,I was actually with my dear aunt, discussing a few things but I'm here now",I tell her.

"Well let's not talk about her,have you seen Jace today",she says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Uhm no,I haven't,and I don't want to see him right now",I say but unfortunately mother nature had other plans cause I feel his presence already.
Why is he easily sensible for me? I ask myself.

"But he's walking towards us right now so I guess I'll see him",I say as I roll my eyes whole Christie is still smiling.

"So today you don't ask why I'm coming to you?"he says and I turn to face him.
He's standing with his two friends,Gift and Christian.

I greet his friends then say to him,"Oh I knew you were coming,I just didn't feel like entertaining it today",then the first bell rings .

"Since when do you guys talk?",Chris(short for Christian) asks.

"We did talk just not much,and we got used to each other a bit this past weekend.",Jace answers him.

"So to what do I owe this sudden visit of yours",I ask.

"And here I was thinking we were friends,didn't that toast or word threesome mean anything to you",he says with a fake sadness.
"You guys had a threesome!?",Gift asks in shock.

And that caused Christie to look up from her phone and join in on the conversation if that's what you can call it.

"Ew,no way. These two can do their stuff together plus they suit each other but don't involve me",she says as she puts her phone away in her back pocket.

"Uhm Hope,we should go to class if we wanna be early",she says.

"Oh where are you starting",I ask her.
We have most classes together but I have all the classes with some jerkface named Jace.

Our timetables have 8 days but they don't go according to the days of the week. It can be day 7 on a Monday but since it's the first day of term 3,it's day 1.

"English",Christie,Chris,Gift and Jace say at the same time.
We have the same register teacher so we're in the same English, Afrikaans,Life Orientation and Life Sciences (also knows as Biology) class, I'm not sure about Gift and Chris but Jace and I go to all the lessons together namely-English, Afrikaans, Mathematics,Life Orientation,Life Sciences,History and Business Studies. Most people ask about my combination of subjects and ask what my career choice is,I always say we'll see where life takes me. I don't really need these subjects anyway. Then with Christie it's -English, Afrikaans,Life Sciences,Life Orientation and Mathematics,she chose physical sciences and accounting too. She loves challenges so it's not surprising.

As we walk to our English class,the 2nd bell rings and the guys are walking behind us. This will take time to get used to,we never really hung around them. But they are okay. As we reach class,we see our English teacher, Mrs Van Rensburg opening her class so we're on time.

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