chapter 52-new student

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Well I have seen the first two periods and now it's the register.
"Morning class",my register teacher Mr Zimba greets.
"Morning sir",we greets back.
"Well as you all know,we have a new student. Ms Hope Smith. As she introduced herself I'll be ticking down the register okay. Hope",he nods.

Okay lemme explain the surname stuff cause I'm sure some of you are wondering how I have the surname Smith like Jace. Well you know that thing where it's like no,we aren't related by blood of anything,we just coincidentally share a surname. Yeah that's what we tell people in the human world. Even Christie is know as a Smith here. So if you want anyone who isn't human in this school,their surname is Smith,and it's only me,Christie,Chris,Jace and obviously the Principal. Everyone knows that its just the surname and no other relation. They also know only me and aunt Agnes are really related,well they forgot but they'll know again.

I walk to the front of the class with all the attention on me.
"Hi guys",I say with a small wave and smile.
Everyone smiles back as they greet back.
'She is so pretty',Amanda thinks to herself.

Okay focus girl,you'll listen to their thoughts later.

"Uhm as you know,I'm Hope Smith. And no I'm not related to Christie,Chris or Jace,we just have the same surname. I turned 16 last month on the 22nd. I like singing and reading so I am multilingual. I can come off as too rude sometimes but once you know me,I'm actually just an okay person. Uh yeah I think that's all for now",I say.
"Wanna take some questions from them in the meantime?",sir asks.
"Uhm sure",I say.

They all start asking at once.
"Why are you only joining now?"
"Are you the principal's niece?"
"Is it true you were home schooled?"
"You got any sibling?"
"You got a girlfriend or boyfriend?"
"Are you seeing anyone?"
"Who are you dating?"
"What make up and hair products do you use?"
"Are you staying here for long?"
"Okay that's too much people. Let her answer",sir stops them.

I let out a small laugh and say,"thanks sir. And to answer you guys. I thought it would be best if I get used to the whole public school experience so that's why  starting today. I am the principal's niece,she's my mom's sister. I was home schooled until now. I am the only child. I have 2 boy friends and 2 girl friend in the school before it was just one but then Chelsey came along so she's my friend now. I'm seeing you people right now. I am not dating anyone. I don't use make up and well for my hair I use Black Pearl and lastly I plan to finish high school here".

"Thank you hope,you may take your seat",he says.
"Thank you sir",I say with a smile as I go sit near Christie,Jace and Chris.

We're basically at the back corner. I'm sitting by the window with Jace behind me,Christie on my right and Chris behind her.

"Well that was something",Chris says.
"Oh you have no idea how many people were asking if she's my cousin",Jace says.

"Oh hell no. I'm too pretty to he your cousin",I say with a smirk.
"Well somebody doesn't think so. You know who",Christie says.
"Oh is it that she devil Juliana?",I ask.
"Obviously",Chris says.
"She bumped into me and was like-",she coward her throat"-you better tell your cousin to stay away from my Jacey or she'll get it",Christie says imitating Juliana's voice with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at me.
This causes us to laugh.

We talk for a few more minutes before the bell rings and we continue with the rest of the day.
After school...
"Cool place",Chelsey says as she sits by the kitchen counter.
"Thanks",I say as I takeout three bottles of water and pass one to her then the other to Christie and open mine.

Well for some reason,Chelsey came to seat with us at lunch and well we had to talk like normal human kids,which by the way was so horrible and she suddenly brought out the idea of a study group with just us girls since the boys said they already had plans which I know was a lie,they have been trying their best to not befriend humans after the whole Gift situation. Christie just blurted out that we were walking after-school to my place so we could all go to my place since her mom had some guests coming over and I didn't have anything going on at home so I just played along and now here we are.

"Aunty I'm home and I have a guest",I shout out.
'She is human',I tell aunt Mia inwardly.

I hear her footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Oh hey girls",she greets with her charming smile.

"Hey",we greet back.
"Oh who's your new friend Hope?",she asks looking at Chelsey.
"Aunty this is Chelsey. Chelsey,this is my aunt Mia",I introduce them.

"Hi miss Mia",she greets with a shy wave.
"Hey chels,how are you?",aunt Mia asks.
"I'm fine thanks and you?",she says.

"I'm good thank you",she says to Chelsey then turns to me with a frown,"You should've told me you're bringing guests. But too late now. Go to the living room or your room or wherever while I make some snacks for you",aunt mia says.

"Okay aunty",I say then turn to the girls.
"Let's go to the living room first",I say and lead the way.

"Okay,I have to say this,your house is very nice", Chelsey says looking around with a smile.

"Thanks",i say as Christie switches the TV on.
"Wow,is that a garden area?",she says looking outside as she walks towards the sliding door.
"Yeah that's my personal space. A no go without hope area",I say with a serious space.

"I get it. No need to go all serious with me young lady",she says shaking her head with an amused smile then starts looking around.
"Hey is that your Mom?",she asks causing me to turn to her.
She's standing by the picture wall.

"Uhm yeah,that her",I say.

"Oh where is she,is she still at work?",she asks.
"She's dead",I say in a blank tone.
"Oh",she says lowly.
'why did I have to go there? Now she prolly wants nothing to do with me. Okay I'll just change the topic. Wait does she have a twin?',she asks herself.

Shit. I forgot that we hung that picture there.
"Uhm didn't you say you're the only child?",she asks.
"I did says so",i say starring at the TV where Christie is basically going from one channel to the other.
"So you don't have a twin?",she asks.
"I do but she's also dead",I say.

I see a bit of blue as I look at the screen so I close my eyes and try to calm myself down before Chelsey can notice anything.
"Uhm how about we watch The New Mutants?",Christie suggests and I can feel her looking at me. She's probably trying to change the topic.

"Okay, but aren't we studying?", Chelsey asks as she sits down.
"Nah, we'll do that another time",Christie says.
"I'll go check on the snacks",I say as I get up.

'i made her upset. What should I do now?', Chelsey thinks to herself.
Once I get back with a bowl full of Lays and some Maynard,I sit down. Aunt Mia said she'll bring the drinks with a small smile,she probably heard the convo between me and Chelsey.

"Hope I'm sorry ",Chelsey says as the movie starts.
"It's okay",I say.
"So we're cool?",she asks looking at me.
I remain starring at the screen and say,"yeah,we're cool. You didn't know so it's okay,but let's never talk of it".

"Sure,it'll never happen again",she says.
'Never ever',she says to herself.

"This movie is amazing guys so shut it so I can enjoy it",Christie says causing me and Chelsey to laugh at her.

"I said shut it you two",she scolds and we stop.

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