chapter 50-damn future

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"What exactly did I do?",I ask the moment we sit down.
Uncle Jonas decided it would be best to talk in the library...again.

"Uh lemme see,you messed with the future creating the possibility of wiping people's memories about you or ending people's lives",he says.

"How did I do that exactly? I mean I don't even remember casting that type of spell so-",he cuts me off.
"Stop being damn oblivious. This is serious hope. You used that memory needle without an elder's access which caused you to see the future and know some truths and lemme tell you. That damn future will not happen anymore",he says sternly.
You can tell that he's furious or maybe more if that's even possible.

"What do you mean?",Dad asks.

"He means that whatever she saw will not happen at all. Meaning the opposite will happen",faith says looking down.

"Are you saying we won't celebrate our 21st birthday?", I ask.

"That's not all. That kryptosunavite you took out of faith,it made you strong but now it'll bring you pain",he says shaking his head.

"How do you know all this?",I ask.
"We're close to the crowning date,that's how",he says.

"I don't get it",faith says.

"Whenever we're close to the crowning ceremony where you'll visit the ancestral place and know all you need to rule,we as the elders get to see all your faults that can bring you regret and pain in the future. We saw a few unsettling things. You, Hope will rule amazingly like your Mom but you won't get to experience having a lover while in the kingdom. If you fall in love,it'll be someone from elsewhere and you would've invaded their kingdom or pack. You'll carry a God in you,meaning you'll fall pregnant and give birth while being a virgin as a blessing from your ancestors for all you're to experience soon. You'll not be able to show your emotions fully but your actions will do the talking and that's due to the kryptosunavite,well a bit of it. You faith,it was unsettling more, hope did take out that kryptosunavite out of you and even if she did,she was already too late. That thing was too powerful. It took away your years of living. Every second of it in you meant every year being taken from you. You won't live long my dear. I'm sorry",he says.

I can't bring myself to say anything. My sister will die. I was too late. I didn't save her like I thought I did.

I took time to save her. I was too late. She'll die soon.

"It's okay. At least I get to spend my last weeks with you all",faith says with a small smile
"It won't be more than two weeks faith. Two weeks is the maximum amount of time for you at this moment",uncle Jonas says causing me to immediately turn to look at him. I may appear to be blank but deep down I'm shocked,upset, furious. I'm experiencing all those bad emotions,none are good.

"Don't worry Hope. We'll make the most out of it",I hear Faith day as she she holds my hands.

I nod and say,"We will make the most out of it ". And I mean it.

10 days later...

"You know I love you right?",Faith says holding my hands with a smile on her face.
"I love you and I know you love me",I say looking down to her weak state on the bed. Well more like her deathbed.

"You know you should be crying instead of looking at me with that blank face of yours",she says.
"Trust me,I wanna cry but the tears are not getting in on it",I say with a smile.

She laughs,"I bet even at the funeral you won't cry,you'll be barking out orders to everyone".
"Oh I'll be giving them hell for doing wrong",I say with smile.
"But remember all I said of how I want the funeral",she says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes ,you want a simple yet elegant send off,people must not be dressed fully black but must have mostly white,you want white roses all over and you sure as hell don't wanna be cremated but buried right next to Mom",I say.
"Are you forgetting something?",she asks with a smirk.

"Give them hell just for that day then become an amazing ruler",I say with a smirk .

"That's good. I really wanna sleep now",she says yawning.
"No. Please don't,you might die in your sleep",I say with a sad voice.

"If it's time then it's time,H. Just know Mom and I along with all the ancestors will be watching over you. I love you more than you know. Do not forget this. You're loved by me",she says as a rear rolls down her face.
"And you're loved by me",I say with a sad smile as she shuts her eyes.

For the past 10 days,we have been spending a lot of time together,along with Christie, Chris and Jace. At least Jace understood the situation I was in and continued being with fay but yesterday fay told him to move on and not hold on to her. He can remember her but must not push happiness away from him. Everything was perfect and we had forgotten so much about her having to die until yesterday afternoon when we were at Spur.

"Thanks guys,I mean McD would've been fine but this is good too",Fay says as she sips on her bar one milkshake.

"Well,it's always McD so why not try others", Christie says.
"Well after here, we should probably go to the cinema. We haven't been there in a while",Chris says.

"Nah we can watch something at home",Christie says.
"Oh yeah,how about Lucy. We all liked it",Jace says.
"Liked is an understatement. I loved it", Christie says.

Something feels too wrong.
"Faith,are you okay?",I ask her in concern.
"Yeah,I'm okay",she says with a small smile. She's not okay.
"Yeah I'm not buying it, we're leaving",I say getting up.

They all look at us with worried faces.
"Please tell me it isn't time", Christie says.
"It's not now but it's soon",Faith says.
"You guys get her to the car while I settle the bill",I say.
"No ,we'll handle it",Jace says.
"I said get her to the car while I settle the bill",I say sternly.

"Okay fine",Jace says with raised hands to show surrender.
I call up the waiter who had served us and pay while also tipping him then quickly head to the car. As I am heading to the car,I see them getting into the car so I quickly get there and drive home.
"Don't fall asleep right now",Jace says.
"I'm just closing my eyes",Faith whines.

"You better not close your damned eyes or I will resurrect you just to end you again",I threaten as I park the car.

"You love me too much for that",she says.
"Don't tempt me,Faith",I say getting out of the car and go to her side.
End of Flashback...

"Your highness",a man says bringing me out of my trance.

"Uhm sorry. Hi,how are you?",I ask politely.

"I'm fine thank you for asking . I'm sure I don't have to ask considering your sister just passed on",he says with a small pitiful smile. Bastard.
"Look here,just because my sister is dead,does not mean I want pity comments. Now I don't mean to be rude but what exactly are you here for?",I ask.

I'm just respecting my sister's last wish,give them hell then be an amazing ruler. No hard feelings.

"I was sent to come check if she really did pass away. Now I have to go and report that she is truly gone",he says as he turns his attention to my dead faith.

"You know what, do what you gotta do,I have arrangements to make",I say as I pull out my phone while getting up. I call all the necessary people who I know will help me make this funeral a success before calling family members that faith is no more.

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