Chapter 8:Mom

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As much as I want to believe her,it's hard. How can I possibly rule alongside with her,how could I have insisted on killing my aunt and uncle-yes I hated their guts but not to the extent of wanting to get rid of them that way.

So if losing track of time to find out the truth is the only way then I will do it.

So I expect to see what happened from the day my twin came back but instead I see my mom,sitting on her favourite spot in the house,her balcony that gives an amazing view of our town,she is sitted on her chair. She looks up at my direction and I turn to see who she's looking at and well it's me she is looking at.

"Hi,honey",she says with a smile on her face but one that shows that she's actually in pain.

"Mom? Can you actually see me?" I say with my eyes wide open and I wave both my hands in front of her face. She release a small laugh then flinches and I notice she has her hands on her stomach.

"Mom,what's wrong?".

"Honey,I don't have much time with you,but don't trust anyone,not even your sister,she's not who you think she is,you have only yourself right now. You're going to lose yourself during this but I'll be watching you and I'll try to make everything right",she says as she puts her hand on my right cheek. I'm so confused. What does she mean I can't trust anyone.

"Mom,if i can't trust anyone,how can I trust you then?",I say as I put my hand on hers to remove it from my cheek.

"Because I'm going to make things right for you,and you'll see it",she says. I blink away the years that I hadn't noticed I was withholding,when I open my eyes and as I was about to ask something else,she's gone. There's just ashes on the chair she sat on.

I start fading away and suddenly I'm back home. Back in the attic. I slowly remove the needle from my forehead and stand up to leave.

As I head out the attic and go downstairs,I see a lot of people,dressed in black. There's a coffin. Everyone who was at my mom's funeral is here too. But whose funeral is it?

So whose funeral do you think it is👀

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