chapter 42-Mr M

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"What's the date today?",Petra asks.
"It's only Wednesday and she already forgot the date",Faith says as she writes down the notes from the slide.

We're currently in the lab for our life sciences lesson and Mr Mabi had to go to the office so we're left alone in class.

" It's the 27th of may",Faith answers,"Do you also want to know the year?",she asks.

"Haha very funny", Petra says shaking her head and rolling her eyes then she writes.

I finish the slide and ask,"Done?"

"No",people mumble.
"3 more minutes",I say looking at my wrist watch.

Since I'm the lab assistant,I'm basically in charge of the class when Mr Mabi is not in class for those few moments.
"Well I'm done",faith says.
"I can't believe we have English after here",I say with a sigh.

"English has officially became a nightmare for me",she says.
"Are you kidding, it's like paradise for me. Our teacher is so amazing",Amanda says sighing and looking at the ceiling with a smile.

"2 minutes!",I shout.
I know it's only a minute and 58 well now 57 seconds. Now 56...55...54...okay you get how the time works.
Next lesson, English...
"Morning class", Michael greets.

"Morning sir",the class greets. Except me and faith,and Christie.
I'm taking out my poetry notes. Since I told Renée about this job as an assistant,she tells me what will be taught for our lessons which causes me to be more prepared,along with my close people of course.

"Today, we'll be doing the poem called The Meeting by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Now I know you haven't done this poem yet but from the title,what do you think this poem is about?",he asks.

"Yes,Amida",he says.
"I think it's about two or more people meeting under circumstances considering how the title is referring to a specific thing by saying the meeting instead of a meeting,"she says emphasising in 'the' and 'a'.

"Nice one",he says.
"Okay can I have 3 readers,each one to read 2 stanzas ",he requests and people raise their hands.

"Okay so Gift will do the first two,Chris will follow and then Jace",he says .

"But sir,we didn't volunteer",Gift says.
"How is that my problem?",he asks.
"You wont hear me read cause I didn't say I wanted to read",Gift replies.

"Well,either you read,or get out of my class",he threatens.
"It's not even your class",I say.
"Do you want to join him hope?",he asks.
"For what exactly?",I ask back.
"You will-",I cut him off.
"I'm sorry for being rude Mr Smith but you're a temporary teacher,this is Mrs Van Rensburg's class. If you wanted to pick out people to read,you should've said so. You can't ask for volunteers then pick out yourself. You're an English teacher,you should know how to formulate a sentence properly right",I say.
There's silence. You could hear a page being flipped slowly.

"Uhm may I start?",Gift asks,breaking the silence,the most uncomfortable silence one can experience in class.
"Yes you may", Michael says turning from me to gift.

After school...

"So what got into you today at English?",Jace asks as we walk towards my aunt's car.
"He annoys me. I just can't stand him",I say shaking my head.

"Well thanks for standing up for me. I've never thought a girl would talk back to him. All girls are crazy over him",Gift says.
"I didn't do it for you. I just don't like the guy",I say rolling my eyes .
"Wow I feel loved",he says sarcastically.
"I'm glad you do",I say back.

"Oh yes, they're smart just like any student . They behave well too. I thought I would have issues with them but they're all angels",a familiar voice says.

"Oh I get that from a lot of teachers. But if they give you any problems,I'll be here",my aunt says to him.
"I'll keep that in mind,Ms A",he says.
"I wanna kill him so bad right now",Faith says.

"Me too",I say with furrowed eyebrows.
"Why don't we do it?", Christie asks.

"When though?",Chris asks.
"Tonight",she says with a smirk.
"We have school tomorrow and Friday",I say.

"You actually wanna do this?",Gift asks in shock.
"Yes",we all say as we nod.

"So how will you do it?",he asks.

"How about some electrocution?",Jace suggests.
"Or we drown him with petroleum?",Chris suggests.
"No what about water,to keep it clean",Christie says.
"Nah we cut him into many pieces and make meat out of him the sell it to different places not in one continent though",Faith suggests.

"How about we stop talking about how we'll murder someone who's just a few meters away from us?",I suggest.

"Good idea",Gift says.
"Well I'll see y'all tomorrow, my mom's here",Christie says to the us and leaves after hugging us.

"Well we gotta go so we'll see you tomorrow",I say and faith nods.
Jace hugs Faith and gives her a kiss then turns to me to do the same.

We go towards my aunt's car.

"If it isn't my favourite students",Micheal says.

"That's what they all say",Faith says grimacing.
"Well aunty can we be on our way now. I have a lot of homework plus my English teacher decided to add onto it by wanting a discussive essay of a poem. He wants it tomorrow. So if you'll excuse us Mr M, we'll be on our way",I say then send a fake smile his way.

"If you need help,I don't mind helping. It's my job to teach you after all",he says.
"No thanks, I'll do just fine",I say and turn to the car.

Faith has already entered and is even on her phone.
"Are we leaving yet?",she asks causing aunt Agnes to hurry to the driver's side .
"Well see you tomorrow Smith",she says.
"Tomorrow Miss A",he says and walks away.

"Finally",I say sighing.
"What is it? I get a feeling you dislike the boy",aunt Agnes says.

"Oh dislike is a strong word. I loathe him. I hate his guts",I say.

"What did he do to you? He's just from another kingdom like us and wants to make a living",she says.

"He's not here for that . He has his own agenda",Faith says.
"And what is that agenda?",she says taking a turn at a roundabout.

"He somehow knows about me and faith having to be the future rulers and he wants the throne. That's why he's here. I don't think Mrs Van Rensburg got injured on her own. He definitely had something to do with it",I say.
"Are you serious?",she asks.
"Yes aunty. We have to get rid of him",Faith says.

"Okay I'll fire him so he's at least away from you girls",she says.
"Oh don't do that. We'll go heal Mrs Van Rensburg this weekend and get rid of him same day",I say.

"So operation get rid of Mr M and heal Mrs Van Rensburg is this weekend?",she asks.

"This isn't an operation aunty,it's a plan. Let's be realistic",Faith says.

"Mia was right,your smartness takes out the fun in anything",aunt Agnes says causing me laugh a bit along with Faith.

"Well there won't be anything fun about killing Mr M",Faith says.

"True that. He has powers. For some reason I have a feeling it won't end well",I say.

"Well he'll be dead so obviously it'll be bad that there's death",Faith says.
"But will it be the only one?",I ask in a whisper voice.

"What?",she asks.
"Nothing", I shake my head.

Mr M won't be the only one to die that day. I have a gut feeling that two will die.

We have to make sure we are ready when we get to him.

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