chapter 48-room

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Why did it have to be this way?

Tell me about it. But can I just say it, I love where I'm laying right now.

Yeah I feel at peace here.

I wonder which room it is.

I won't even tell you,I know which one it is but you'll be surprised .

Can I wake up now?

You are aware the kryptosunative is the reason for this right.

It is, isn't it.

Should've seen this coming. But why is it not making you weak. I mean it's kinda adding to what I have already. Making your powers more powerful or should I say useful.

Ah man this is cool. Okay that's it. I'm waking up.

Aw but we were bonding. Just you talking to you. Which you don't do very often.

We'll talk later then.

Fine. I'll let you be plus they're pretty worried about when you'll wake up.

I open my eyes to see myself in a room I haven't been in many times.
My mom's room.

Well mine now cause I am so sleeping in here forever. And ever. Amen.

Amen sister,Amen indeed.

Fay is sitting in front of mom's dressing table,well now mine, looking into space while slowly brushing her hair.

I remove the blanket covering me even though it kills me to leave the comfort I felt under it.
I sit up and she looks at me through the mirror and looks down then looks up at me again with shock before turning to me. She smiles then runs up to the bed and jumps on me.

"What the hell hope. I wake up and you faint then sleepwalk to this room? And now you wake up like you just took a nap. Unbelievable",she says then let's go off me expecting answers.

"I sleepwalked to this room?",I ask in confusion.
"Yeah when you fainted you fell but quickly got up with your eyes closed and started walking to this room and got yourself into bed. It was so crazy. We kept shouting your name but nothing. And the way you immediately stoop up as though you fell unexpectedly and didn't wanna stay long on the floor but your eyes were closed,and your ears too if I can say. Also Chris had to go home since his parents were asking for him but Jace and Christie are downstairs waiting. It's like midnight now. So basically Saturday",she explains.

"Oh okay for all that but i think I'll take this room. I slept so peacefully and it just felt good. I think I'll take this one",I tell her.

"This room brings back unpleasant memories so you can have it if I have the one you had",she says with a smile.

"Okay",i shrug.

"Yay",she squeals as she jumps on the bed in excitement.

"But won't it be too small for your liking",I ask.
"Nope. It's perfect. I mean this room is bigger but I want that one more,I'm in love with it",she says shrugging.
"Well you can have it. I just want a new room,this one",I say.

"Let's go downstairs so they can see you're good",she suggests.

I don't mind but I wanna scare them a bit.
"Hope are you thinking what I'm thinking?",she asks with a smirk.

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking then yes",I smirk and nod.
"Good. I'll go downstairs and act like you're still sleeping and then turn on a horror movie,switch the lights off then you'll show yourself and say boo behind them",she suggests.

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