chapter 26-i know

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After saying it together,it worked.

Well at least it seems so cause I'm not in a white room with Faith only but in my bedroom with everyone else.

"It worked",I say amazed.
"I know",aunt Mia says.
"I'm alone in my body",Faith says.
"I know",aunt Mia says.
"I'm hungry",Faith and I say at the same time.
"I know",aunt Mia says again.
"Can we go eat now?",Christie says.

"Well yeah,I have made the pancakes and there's some fruits too so go ahead.",aunt Mia says.

Christie goes out first followed by Jace . As Faith and I are about to leave to ,aunt Mia pulls us back with her telekinesis and lays us on the bed.
We sit up properly while she shuts the door.

"We need to talk",she says.

"Uhm can't we do that after we eat?",Faith asks and I nod.

I mean food is downstairs and I can hear it calling me .
I can just imagine those pancakes coated with chocolate syrup in my mouth after eating a few seedless red grapes and-
"Stop thinking about food",Faith says,"you're making me more hungry."

"You'll go eat but I want you two to be aware that the crowning is going to happen and nobody knows until the two of you just do it. Even you won't know it cause you'll be sleep walking . So you have to do everything your mom asked you to do before it's too late. And start by finding your dad. I'll help you set up for it tomorrow morning cause Monday you have school. And today there's going to be lunch for you two,it will be here with a few more family members. I'm pretty sure some you've forgotten or don't know but those who were close to your mom,you'll easily know them just by their faces and scent. I talked to your mom and that's what she said so yeah.",aunt Mia finishes .

"Oh okay,can we go eat now cause I'm seriously hungry",I say.

"Did you hear anything I said?",aunt Mia asks with a frustrated tone.
"I did. Or should I repeat it all cause I can",I say.

"Okay ,say it",she says as she crosses her arms over her chest. She actually thinks I'm joking.

"Okay,you said and I quote,'You'll go eat but I want you two to be aware that the crowning is going to happen and nobody knows until the two of you just do it. Even you won't know it cause you'll be sleep walking . So you have to do everything your mom asked you to do before it's too late. And start by finding your dad. I'll help you set up for it tomorrow morning cause Monday you have school. And today there's going to be lunch for you two,it will be here with a few more family members. I'm pretty sure some you've forgotten or don't know but those who were close to your mom,you'll easily know them by just by their faces and scent. I talked to your mom and that's what she said so yeah',that's what you said. So can we go eat now?",I ask.

"How did you manage to say every single thing I said?",she asks with shock.

"I don't know but I'm intelligent and remember a lot of stuff when I want so maybe that's why. Can we go eat now?",I ask.

"Can you also do it?",she asks Faith.
"Yeah,isn't that normal for people like us?",she asks after answering .
"Not really,which is why I'm shocked .",she says.
After a few seconds of silence both faith and I ask,"Can we go eat now?"
"I have heard that question a thousand times now.",she says as she rolls her eyes.

"Actually it was 5 times in total,you should never exaggerate that bad,it's not always humourous",Faith says and I nod while releasing a small 'yeah' as we get up from the bed and walk towards the door.

"I am so going to get annoyed with their smartness",she mumbles under her breath.

"Well you still love us",I say with a smile as we head out.
"More than you know",she says to herself.

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