One - Let's Go On A Date - Part One // surprise

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not a request, and you don't get to know who it is yet (;

i thought it'd be a fun surprise.

A large smile etched on my face as I carefully made my way up towards my boyfriends bedroom. Today was our one-year anniversary. We never really did anything for our months, because we didn't see the big deal in it. But the plan was to actually do something today, celebrate obviously. I had gotten him a new blade with his initials carved into the blade, it was one he liked when we were out shopping a few weeks ago, when I needed to get some clothes from the mall.

I returned to the mall a few days later, alone, and bought it, but paid extra for them to put the initials. My brows furrowed when I heard talking from Dally's room at Bucks as I stopped just outside of it.

"I can't believe you actually did it. An entire year."

For a moment, I smiled, thinking Tim Shepard was congratulating Dally on our relationship, but the smile turned to a slacked jaw and a lump rose in my throat not even seconds later.

"I know, shut up and give me the money. You lost I kept her an entire year!" "How did you do that for so long, I thought I had a for sure thing here, Dallas. She's so" "Ugly? Or were you gonna mention her hips again?" I heard the two boys laugh.

"How about that wicked hair she's got? She never brush it or somethin'? Also, the clothes. Dallas, I don't get it. I actually don't know how you could stand being seen around her like that all the time. What was that one name you were calling her before?" "Fur Ball Fiona? I was complaining to the boys about it, and man, they all started off on me. Claimin' I lead her on, and how it's gonna hurt her! Johnny even yelled at me, man! They actually enjoy her!" "How!?" "I've been trying to figure it out myself!" I was shaking.

They were right though. My hair was large and curly, so I refrained from brushing it so it didn't look like a lion's mane. My clothes weren't very girly, nor were they what Dally liked, even I know that. Of course I did, I'd met Sylvia, and we were polar opposites.

I only met Dally because I was friends with Ponyboy and Johnny, even Steve, Two-Bit and I knew each other and we talked on occasion, considering I went to high school with all the boys.

The lump in my throat grew in size as they continued on about me. I spun around and quietly went back down before walking over to Buck who was cleaning the bar top, getting ready for tonight. "Hey Buck, you got a paper and pen I could borrow?" he didn't respond, but instead turned and dug in a drawer before handing me both. I breathed out a thanks and started to write a note.


I could hear Tim and you in your bedroom talking. I heard everything about the bet and how you really feel about me. And I'm okay with it. I knew it wouldn't work out, but I did expect a different route. I hope you have a good life, and enjoy it, because with the way you are and the way you act, it'll be over quicker than the rest of ours.

I hope the bet was worth it.

I won't be home over the summer. Don't try to communicate with me, or even my family for the matter.

Keep this or trash it, but I don't want it. It was an anniversary gift. The knife you wanted. I had it modified for you even. I hope you enjoy it.

Have a good life, Dallas Winston,

"Furball Fiona" L."

I taped the letter to it after leaning over to steal a piece of tape from Buck and leaving it on the desk, folded, with his name scribbled on it.

When I finished, I made my way home and packed a bag. I was leaving, at least for the summer.

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