Eighteen // One Date // P.C.

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My older brother, Keith, or Two-Bit, swung our hands back and forth as we walked towards the Curtis house, making me laugh since it pulled me forwards and pushed me backwards since my arms were so much shorter than his. Once the house was in view, I started to run, "Come on, bubba, come on!" I cheered, pulling him with me as he laughed, jogging with me. I let go as we passed Darry's truck, jumping up on the sidewalk before reaching up to unlatch the gate, letting it sling open as I ran up the porch, jumping up just enough to grasp the door handle and pull it open, running in before it closed.

Darry peaked around from the kitchen and I grinned at him, which he returned as he dried his hands with a towel. "Darry!" I cheered as I ran to him, leaping to wrap my arms around his midsection and burying my face in his shirt. "(y/n)! I was starting to wonder when you'd be here" I came with my brother every Saturday and Sunday to the Curtis house, but Monday through Friday I usually stay with the neighbors until my mom or brother get home.

"We would have been here sooner, but I had to wash her face off" I frowned up at Darry with my large brown eyes, "Bubba wouldn't let me wear makeup!" he furrowed his brows before bending down to my height. "Why did you have makeup on" "I wanted to look pretty!" I stomped my foot and extended my arms. "Awe come on (y/n)! You're always pretty" my eyes widened as I stared at Darry, and he just grinned before chuckling, shaking his head a bit in realization.

I slowly turned around to see Ponyboy walking to sit on the couch, he must've been in the bathroom.

Darry and Two-Bit knew all about my crush on Ponyboy. Only because mom asked Darry to go to a parent-teacher meeting for her, since Keith wasn't reliable (so she complained on the phone at least). The teacher gave him the pictures I drew, or small notes I wrote to myself that she'd find. He had a hard time reading it, but Two-Bit had similar handwriting so he asked for help. Now they constantly tease me about it!

My face felt on fire as I slowly nodded and turned back to Darry with a glare, as he smirked at me before lifting me up, making me squeal as he started to walk from the kitchen. I screamed when he dropped me, but safely landed on the couch beside Ponyboy. Two-Bit sat on the ground, grinning at me as I glared at him as well, setting up and moving to the further end of the couch.

After a while, Ponyboy went to his room to work on some homework, and I had moved to color on the kitchen table while Two-Bit and Darry talked in the living room. I was drawing a photo of the gang.

Starting at one end was Steve and Soda, with there hands hooked together in the air like when they were wrestling on the table. I drew Darry with a Football in the air as he through it to Two-Bit, who was on the other end of the paper, jumping in the air. Ponyboy was sitting on the ground with a smoke in his mouth, and I was in his lap while he read to me like he sometimes did, if mom asked him to occasionally babysit me. Then! I drew clouds and started to draw Johnny and Dally as I heard footsteps entering the kitchen.

I let out an alarm noise as I hurried to cover the picture. I didn't like anyone to see my drawings until I finished. Two-Bit shushed me as he entered, holding his hands up like he was surrendering. "Darry and I are gonna go get some groceries and stuff, Ponyboy's in charge of you" I nodded while glaring, making sure he didn't try to look at my picture, but he only turned and walked out.

When I heard the front door open and close, I moved the top picture and started to draw again.

After a little while longer, I had moved on to draw a picture for Steve, of him and Evie! With Sodapop in the background... I could hear quick footsteps down the stairs and made the same alarm noise as I covered the photo as I turned to see Ponyboy coming in, grinning at me already. "I won't look!" I closed my mouth and leaned up to grab the glass of juice Darry gave me. Ponyboy made his way into the kitchen, and I could hear him messing with stuff before coming back, smiling at me before going to sit on the couch.

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