Ten - It's MY Shirt // J.C.

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After finding a decent pair of jeans and one of my boyfriends shirts, I got dressed and quickly pulled my boots and jacket on before walking down the block to the Curtis household.

"Good morning, boys" I announced as I entered, quickly spotting my boyfriend sitting on the couch, before smiling at me and standing up to greet me. Johnny and I were Seniors this year, and I couldn't be happier with how things were currently going with us. "Starting to think I had to come and get you outta bed, doll" he murmured before kissing my temple. I smiled and pulled away as I kissed his jaw, looking up at him, "If you did, we wouldn't be here right now" "Not in this house" I rolled my eyes and turned to glare at Darry, "That's not what I meant" he smiled and grabbed his tool belt.

After a few byes, Darry left accompanied by Two-Bit, who he managed to get hired on his roofing crew about four months after Two finally graduated. Ponyboy came out of the shower, towel around his waist and I scrunched up my nose "I think you gotta wear pants, bud" he waved me off and made his way to the kitchen.

I tossed my jacket on the back of the couch and laid down on the couch, only for Johnny to follow suit and rest his head on my stomach, using it as a pillow. After a moment, he pulled up and looked down at my shirt with his brows knitted together, before glancing up at me. "Any special reason you're wearing my shirt?" "Our shirt" I corrected with a grin.

He scoffed and shook his head, "No, MY shirt" "Well it's on me, so who does it belong to really?" I teased and he pushed it up quickly before putting all his weight back on his hands, I glared at him.

Johnny placed a few kisses to my stomach before resting his head again, turning towards the television. "My shirt, but you can wear it" I just smiled in response.

It's totally my shirt

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