fighting // D.W. & T.S.

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Aggressively wiping the tears off my cheeks, I sat on the bed, staring at my shaking hands as I consciously twisted the ring on my hand. The one my boyfriend gave me when he asked me to be his girl about a year ago. He stood in front of me, angrily while puffing on a cancer stick.

"So what? What the hell do you want me to say, what do you want me to do, (y/n)!?" I stood up abruptly, looking up to him, "Tell me you love me! It's okay to love me, so please- just- love me" I begged, and he shook his head, bringing his hand up to exaggerate, "I don't know how to love you, god damn it" he flicked the cigarette, at me, "And I'm never going to! Why don't you just understand that!? Why can't what we have now be good enough for you!?" "Because I want to know that you love me!" I screamed back, and he only stared at me.

Dally's chest rose and fell quickly while he breathed heavily, not saying anything else. I shook my head, grabbing the back I had packed and pulling it over my shoulder while setting the ring on the unmade bed. "I'll be back for my stuff tomorrow" I whisper while passing him, slamming the door just as I hear a crash and a loud swear from inside.

I hesitated, wanting to check on him, but only turned and began jogging down the stairs, rubbing my face more.

"I told you" was my greeting when I got to the bottom step. My head lifted, spotting Tim Shepard leaning against the wall. "Leave me alone if you're gonna be an asshole, Shepard" I gritted and began making my way past him. As I opened the door, he was beside me, "I'm not being an asshole, (y/n). I tried telling you Dally ain't no good for you, that he was just gonna use you. But you didn't wanna see it" he stated while taking my back from me and putting it on his own shoulder as he walked towards his car.

I stopped on the sidewalk, watching as he turned back to me, opening the passenger door, nodding to the seat while setting my bag in the floorboard. "Come on, doll. You can stay at my place. We both know you got no where to go" I let out a defeated huff and walked over, climbing in the old car.

-Two Months Later-

The grin on my face had been permanent all day thus far, even as Tim and I walked to the seats of the Drive-Inn, hand-in-hand, and found empty spots to sit. His arm found it's why over my chair as I leaned into his side.

About a quarter through the movie, I heard a familiar cackle, causing both of us to turn towards a car, seeing Two-Bit Mathews nearly falling over as he laughed, being shushed by surrounding people- but he didn't. Tim snickered, as I rolled my eyes with a grin. It was about a moment later, the boy came stumbling over, spotting us with a cheer of our names and sat on the other side of me, leaning up to talk to Tim. His whisper was terrible, and he offered me his beer, earning a laugh and deny. "Oh right, you ain't like this kinda beer" he "reminds" me before looking over at Tim again, "Didja hear? Dally got outta the cooler this mornin'" he tells him, and Tim shrugs, "I didn't, but that's good for him" Two nods while leaning back in his chair, taking a swig of beer.

After the movie, Tim's arm was around my waist as we walked down the sidewalk, mine around his back and his coat over my shoulders. It was silent, excluding the occasional car to drive by us, and the only light being the terrible streetlamps and moon.

I don't think it was a shock to either of us, at least not me, when a familiar voice came from behind us, "Whatta ya doin' with my girl, Shepard?" causing the both of us to slow, Tim the one to stop and hold me tightly against him as he turned to the blonde boy, who walked with the familiar raven-headed, brown eyed and brunette, gray eyed boys, who I offered a small smile as they returned it, but smaller.

"She ain't your girl, Dal. You know that" Tim responds. "Oh yeah? Who says?" the blonde asked, eyeing us. He looked calm, but you had to know Dal to see his eyes were practically flaming and he was a little more tense; angry. "I do" I answer, eyeing him. "I ain't your girl Dal, I haven't been for a bit now" he snickers, which causes me to grow slightly angry and irritated. "And why not, doll?"

"Because Dallas!" I become louder, and Tim grips my hip to instantly calm me down, though I'm still angry, I get quieter, "While I was fighting for you to love me, I realized I was only fighting to be lied to, and fighting to be taken for granted, fighting to be disappointed, and fighting to be hurt again. So I fought to let go. I ain't your god damn girl, Dallas" I can see the anger radiating off him, and he was eerily calm, but we could all tell just how angry it made him.

After a silent moment, Tim whispered that we needed to head home, and pulled me so we could leave, and it caught his attention. "Fine! Good, actually. Because you were nothin' but an experiment, (Y/n). Thanks for the research" I roll my eyes, ignoring the boy as we continued down our path.

I was glad to say I was over Dallas Winston. But I was so deeply in love with Tim Shepard, more than I had ever been before. But I was happy to know he loved me just as much, and he was sure to tell and remind me daily.

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