How You Met

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You had gone to elementary school together, and left in 8th grade, only to come back the beginning of 9th grade year. You knew of one another, and as you joined the cheerleading team, you spent some more time together.


Two-Bit and you had a few classes together. Once he learned your name, he moved to set beside you in every class, though you rarely engaged in conversation with him. One day, he caused the pair of you to get detention because you (Keith) were talking during a quiz.


Your were talking to Ponyboy and Johnny outside the school, about some homework when Dallas walked up to the three of you, instantly taking a liking to you and flirting. You sighed, rolling your eyes and lightly touched Johnny's upper arm, "I'll catch you guys later. Let's try to meet up so we can work on the history together, Johnny" he murmurs an agreement as you make your way to the bus, hearing Dally call after you, saying he'll see you later.


Your cousin worked at the DX, and you had to meet him there to give him his clothes back from some nights ago, along with something from your mom. Your dad told you to grab a specific oil and get yourself a coke while you were in, and you did.

A pretty boy stood at the counter, smiling brightly as you neared him, "Hey Sodapop, is my cousin in?" you ask and he nods, motioning to the garage, "Head on in yourself" you thank him before turning on your hills and walking to the door, hearing loud buzzing from inside.

You knew Sodapop from coming down to see your cousin often, if Sodapop wasn't here, he worked the register, so you had never met the other guy who worked with them.

Realizing the buzzing was from your cousin airing up some tires, and another guy pulling others off the car in the garage. You call to your cousin, and he notices quickly. He introduces you to Steve, the third boy, who gives you a smile as you shake his greasy hand. He realizes it hadn't bothered you, and you simply turned back to your cousin with a smile, "Here, take this. I hafta get dad some stuff" you say, and he okays before taking the bag. You walk towards the different oils near the back and grab the familiar one you always take and turn to the door, leaving the garage with a goodbye to Steve.


Two-Bit gave you, Ponyboy, and Johnny a ride to the Curtis house, where you all made your way inside. You stood a bit awkwardly before following the three to the table in the room by the living room. Ponyboy and you begin to work on your science project nearly instantly, Johnny and Two sit in the living room.

Hours come and gone, and two trips to the store for stuff for the project. Both of you concentrated, having kicked loud-mouth Two-Bit out, Johnny staying quiet and watching, helping if we needed. Now, the concentration was less as you started to put it together, and thankfully so once the door swung open and loud voices came flowing in. You glance up, spotting Steve Randel, from school, Two-Bit with them once more, and another boy you'd never seen, by the DX shirt and hate, assuming it was Pony's brother Sodapop.

Steve called your name, walking over to look what you were doing. As he reached out a hand to touch the painted planet, you rammed your elbow against his chest, "Don't you dare!" you shout and he glares at you as the others laugh, you glare right back.

"Sodapop, this is (y/n). (y/n) this is my brother Sodapop" you turn your glare from Steve and smile at the handsome boy. "One moment" you say sweetly before turning back to glare at Steve again, "You broke the last project I put together, ruin this one and I will hurt you" he mocks you, passing by and entering the kitchen.


You were introduced by your Science teacher, saying Johnny needed help in his class and asking you to help him. Of course you decided to. You met at the library, or in the lab (Depending what you needed to do) ever Monday, which turned to Monday and Wednesday, and eventually to Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.


You met in recess in second grade and became instant friends, swinging together was your main hobby. The pair of you hung out nearly every day if you could, practically joint at the hip.

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