Proud // S.R. (&P.C.)

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I stood with the remaining of the gang as we cheered loudly for the greaser walking across the stage. There was a small, embarrassed blush on his cheeks, and he shifted awkwardly as he accepted his diploma, awaiting a photograph as we roared in the crowd. He gave us a shake of the head as he exited side stage to return to his seat.

Today was Ponyboy Curtis' graduation. Two-Bit was already a little drunk when we shown up, and he was the one who initiated being loud, Steve and I joined in while Darry scolded us. But only for a moment before he too cheered his kid brother on.

It was just us now. Ponyboy was the baby of the gang as well, at least temporarily. We wouldn't have to come to another high school graduation for years to come. Ponyboy also had been accepted into a college he applied for in New York, both he and his girlfriend. We cheered for her just as loud, and she blushed twice as hard.

But soon we were all outside the hot gymnasium, looking in the crowd for the two graduates. Steve had his arm around my waist, holding me close as he talked to another greaser. But my eyes were scanning crowds of people for the boy I had seen as a young brother.

I had only met him four years ago, just after Steve returned from Vietnam. We were introduced by my brother, who he fought along side in combat. Steve got my address from a him after seeing a photo from Jackson, one of the pair of us and his wife. It was weird, but I didn't mind much. Neither of us thought anything would come of it, but seeing as we lived close, we met up.

Well not so much. Jackson told me in a letter he was pretty badly injured and would be honorably discharged, so I drove to the airbase in Oklahoma, from my home in Louisiana, and told them I was his wife to get through. We had fallen in love through letters, months of communicating. I've loved him ever since, prosthetic leg and all.

"Ponyboy!" I called when I seen him, he smiled as he ran over with Gwen, his girlfriend. I wrapped them both in a hug, tippy toeing to kiss his cheek, and placing a kiss on her cheek. "I'm so happy for you two! See! I told ya I'd put your ass in gear!" I teased Gwen, she giggled, nodding. She wasn't meant to pass her eleventh grade after she missed most of the year, only because she hated school and didn't want to go. Darry and I didn't like that, neither did her mom. I got in there and helped well enough, I think.

The boys all shared hugs with them, and Steve was last. Ponyboy looked a little shocked, since they had only hugged once, when I brought Steve home, after they both learned about Sodapop losing his life. Steve released, gripping Pony's shoulders with a big fixed grin as he looked at him, "I'm proud of ya, Pony! And I know Soda would be too" Steve said, quite loudly.

Ponyboy looked at Steve for a second before pulling him into another tight hug, this one lasting a bit longer. When they pulled apart, Pony cleared his throat and looked to each of us as he took Gwen's hand, and Steve repositioned an arm around my waist. "Awe hell! Let's get back to the Curtis house, Darry's gonna make us all dinner for celebration" Two-Bit said as he clapped the eldest Curtis' back. He gave him a glare, but agreed we needed to head that way, and we did.

Soon, we were all surrounding the table, having a celebratory dinner and the house was loud, filled with love, warmth, and music. After the graduation gifts were handed out to the pair and we were talking a bit about them, Ponyboy cleared his throat while sitting down the truck keys that we all pitched in for to get him. It was newer, newer than all our cars at least. But it was well deserved.

"Gwen and I got you guys a gift too!" "Oh! Right!" The couple shared a look before running out of the dining room. We all let out small chuckles before they came back. Gwen was holding something behind her back, and Pony was walking in with a cake. "Where the hell'dja hide that thing?" Darry asks, pointing to the cake. Pony laughs as he holds it where we can only see the sides, "Uh- it was at Gwen's until we headed home from graduation. That's why it took us longer than yall to get back" a hum of understanding passed through us before he sighed and sat it down in the middle.

Two-Bit choked and sputtered beer on himself, coughing harshly into his hand as he stared at the cake. Darry was staring at the cake with squinting eyes, Steve cheered and clapped Pony's shoulder as I let out a squeal, jumping up to hug them as Gwen sat down the ultrasound photo in front of it, closest to Darry. "You're pregnant too!" I cheered, making someone scream out a loud, "What" and I quickly turned to them with wide eyes.

"You're both pregnant!?" Two-Bit asked loudly, looking between us. "I didn't say that" I said quickly, and he nodded, Darry inquired quickly, "You said "you're pregnant too", (y/n)" "No I didn't" I glared, and Steve laughed, grabbing my arm to pull me towards his lap. "Yes you did, it's fine! We were gonna tell 'em anyway!" I frowned, "I wanted to tell them on a different day, it's Pony and Gwen's day" I whined.

It only made them laugh at me. I looked at Gwen, and she was smiling at me before I jumped up, grabbing her arms as we jumped around, the pair of us chanting we were pregnant together.

"Hold on! Boy, how you plan to go to college AND raise a child?" Darry asked loudly, making us stop jumping and share a glance with Ponyboy who sighed, turning to Darry. Awe, hell. 

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