Fourteen - Pregnant // K.M.

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My legs were thrown over my older brothers lap as we sat on the Curtis couch. He didn't seem to care, but he did start to give me an annoyed face when my boyfriend let out a moan. I rolled my eyes at his childishness and continued to play with my boyfriends hair. He sat with his back against the couch, head leaned back just enough to barely touch my thigh as his eyes fixated on Mickey Mouse.

Ponyboy was quietly doing his homework at the table in the room beside us, Darry was still at work, and Soda was in the shower. Johnny sat on the other side of my brother, who was untying my converse and removing the tie, making me hit him in the arm, "Cut it out Steve" I grumbled and he just tied the ends of the shoe string in a double not and tossed it in Two's lap. He didn't even bother to look at it, or anything else.

"Two" I mumbled, but he ignored me. I rolled my eyes and repeated myself, louder. The boys all snickered as my boyfriend still ignored me. "Keith Mathews, if you don't answer me, I'm breaking up with you" I jokingly threatened.

"Can't break up with me if I'm pregnant" he said without hesitation before lifting his beer to his mouth for a large gulp. I heard Ponyboy laugh from the table, and Steve let out a small snort, but Dallas, who was setting in Darry's chair, snickered with Johnny.

"Well it's not mine, so I can do whatever I please" "You wouldn't leave me doll, you're too sweet on me" I glared at the back of his head and the bathroom door opened, revealing Sodapop who was about to head towards his and Pony's room to put clothes on. "Soda, you got any single guy friends? I'm single" I teased, and he turned to me slightly confused, glancing between Two-Bit and I.

Two turned to me with a small glare, "I said I'm pregnant, and this is how you treat me and our baby?" I rolled my eyes and he grabbed hold of my knees and yanked them to turn to him before he pulled me off the couch by my thighs to land roughly in his lap as I squealed.

He bit his lip roughly and leaned his head on my shoulder. I laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "How'd that work?" I teased. "I didn't think it all the way through" he whispered to me before letting out a shaky breath and pulled his head up. "Wanna kiss it and make it better?" Steve let out a shout and through a couch pillow at us, but Two-Bit slapped it down towards the ground before picking it up with his signature grin. "Keith, there are children in the room" I said with a smirk as I motioned to Ponyboy, "Hey!" he shouted before a pencil came flying behind Two-Bit. Steve laughed and mocked Ponyboy as we all laughed, minus Dallas who just snickered more.

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