Seventeen // Jealousy pt. 2 // D.W.

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pt.2 @Lilly_is_crazy 

I fell asleep in Darry's bed after a bit longer, but it was the next day and I woke up with my cheeks and lips still slightly swollen. Along with a sheen over my face, though my lips were chapped. I quickly went to shower, hearing the boys all in the living room once I turned the water off and wrapped up in a towel.

I wrapped another around my head and kept my eyes down as I started to make my way through the house toward Darry's and my room. "Lilly!" I heard just as it became quiet. My feet sped up and I slammed the door quickly behind me.

Why was Dallas here so early? And how come nobody told me?

I huffed as I walked over to my side of the dresser and started to dig for clothes. I quickly pulled on everything, excluding my jeans as I sat on the bed for a moment, tilting over to dry my head with the towel.

There was small knock on the door before it started to open, but I didn't rush to cover myself since my shirt was long. I could already tell who it was by the scent that came through the door and the sound of their footsteps.

Dally closed the door as he entered, and I let out a small breath before dropping my towel on the bed and quickly grasping my pants, yanking them up my legs and standing in a jump to get them up all the way, quickly buttoning them up. I stood in front of my moms old vanity, looking in the mirror back at Dally as he stood, leaning against the door, just watching me.

I grabbed a comb and started to brush my still damp hair with it gently. "What do you want" my voice was raspy as I spoke, and after I spoke, I looked myself in the eyes of the mirror. "You ran off last night, without even talking to me" I shrugged, "Had better things to do" I responded gently.

He scoffed, leaning up to take a few steps closer to me. "By running and crying to your brother, that's the better things you had to do?" I bit the inside of my cheek but shrugged in response. He continued to come closer before he stood directly behind me, in silence. I didn't look up at him, only went on with getting a knot from my hair.

Dally reached around me, taking the comb and pulling my hair around to my back, slowly starting to comb it himself, just like mom would ask him to help me with if my brothers wouldn't. He was always her favorite of the gang, excluding her own children, they were extremely close, and he usually spent more time with her than the gang when they were still alive.

I dropped my hands to my lap and let him, but my eyes dropped down, still avoiding eye contact.

After a few silent minutes, he sat the comb on the table and moved to sit straddling the wooden seat. He placed a hand on my hip opposite him and rubbed gently as he tugged me closer a bit.

I would have been completely ecstatic, if I wasn't completely weirded out. This was Dally, so why the hell was he being like this suddenly? He pulled me against his chest, resting his now free hand on my knee furthest from him. His head was dropped a bit as it was in front of mine.

"Curly told me why you ran out" he stated gently, not in his usual cocky tone. I stayed silent, but leaned my forehead to rest in his neck, but it was mostly my head dropping in defeat as I let out a small sigh.

"I didn't want you to cry" I bit my lip before finally speaking, "What did you want me to do?" he let out a dry chuckle. "I wanted you to get jealous, and finally say something to me" "So you did know" I mumble, and he chuckles once more. "Of course I did. I just wanted to hear it from you and not the boys, man" I didn't respond, and his arms tightened around me.

He moved his head, placing a kiss on top of my head before I looked up, furrowing my brows. "You're being gentle, and it's weird man" I stated, he only grinned at me, "What? Can't be sweet to my girl?" the familiar flush started to cover my face, and my throat became dry, "Your girl?" he didn't respond.

At least not immediately. After a second of silence, he leaned down and captured my lips with his own. I was shocked, but quickly reciprocated the kiss, setting up slightly straighter as well.

Dally broke away and rested his head against my own as I let out a shaky breath, having yet to open my eyes. "Be ready around seven tonight, we're going out" he said as he kissed my eyebrow and stood up slowly, I only nodded as I opened my eyes, watching him exit the room, closing the door behind him.

I kissed Dallas and we had a date. 

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