Twenty-Five // Dinner // T.S. & Curtis Brothers

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Dating Tim Shepard wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I started to hang out with the Shepard's gang, but that's where it led after two years. I started to hang out with them when I first moved down, having been introduced to Curly and Angela Shepard by my younger brother, Ponyboy. I knew Ponyboy had a crush on Angela before she got her own boyfriend, Bryson, and he started to like another girl, Sherri Valance. But I continued to hang around with the group, but my older brother, Darry, made Ponyboy stopped and attempted to get me to stop. It wasn't easy, and he had obviously failed.

About a week after hanging out with the younger Shepard's, I met the rest of their gang which included their brother. I knew how he had been with previous girls, and I never planned to date him, but he convinced me after months.

Numerous greasers knew about our relationship, but we kept it pretty tight from Darry. He was out of loop with most of them since he was always busy with watching the boys and supposed to be me. But on my 18th birthday, I rarely came home anymore. Of course I loved my brothers, and I was okay with their gang, but they weren't mine. It started when we were younger when my brother Sodapop and his best bud Steve told me I couldn't hang because I was a girl. Even throughout growing up it went on, and I only hung out with them usually because mom made them have me tagalong. Steve thought I, like Ponyboy, was a tagalong, which I was. Everyone knew that, and I was often ignored excluding by Ponyboy.

But I didn't mind, because I found my own gang. I started hanging out with the Shepard's when I was sixteen, now being eighteen, almost nineteen. After a year and two months of Tim and I being together, we decided to give up keeping it such a secret. It wasn't much of one, but we always denied being together. I had become sick of lying though, Tim not so much. He wasn't worried about Pony or really Sodapop, but Darry was a different story.

Darry didn't like that I hung out with him so much, thought he was a bad influence on me. Sure he was, but I wouldn't have been any better tagging along with Dallas Winston, which still happened on occasion since Tim and he were friends. He knew about us, but I bought him smokes to keep his trap shut.

Tonight was the night we were telling our brothers. Ponyboy already knew since we were the closest, Sodapop and I hardly talked even when we lived in the house together, and I only see Darry when I sneak in or out of the house for stuff from my bedroom.

We were having dinner with them, and I stayed home last night which surprised everyone. They thought we just started to date and didn't know it was Tim yet, excluding Pony and Dally, and if my parents were still alive them too. The entire gang was going to be here tonight, there was no negotiating with them to leave. Dallas knew, and he said he was here for the show when I asked after my shower.

After getting dressed into jeans, one of Tim's large black shirts, I slipped on my boots before walking out of the bedroom. Darry was cooking dinner, Ponyboy was sitting quietly at the table working on homework, Johnny was sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Dally, Two-Bit sat on the floor between mom and dads old chairs, and lastly Steve and Soda were sitting at the table beside Ponyboy, playing cards.

I walked to the kitchen, Darry gave me a small smile with no words as I grabbed a beer from the ice box before returning to the living room, dropping into moms chair, closest to the door. Mickey was on tv, making me sigh and roll my eyes before starting to drink from the bottle.

"So we know your boyfriend, (y/n)? Whose he hang around?" Steve asked. I glanced at him as he dropped his cards, turning to look at me with an emotionless face. I heard Pony snicker from beside him, shifting a bit before glancing at me with a grin. His eyes flickered between Dally and me, knowing Dally knew also. I glared at him, "Watch it" I threatened, he only grinned while getting up with his homework.

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