Twenty-Two // Underestimate Me // S.R.

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The drag races were packed tonight, maybe even more than they were last weekend when my older brother, Ray, and I came to scope out competition. Both of us raced, and we drove up a few hours to Tulsa just to see if it was worth bringing our cars out for, and it definitely was. Considering we were pulled over on the way up for going over the speed limit, I needed the money for my ticket now.

Ray didn't race, he was my personal mechanic if I needed anything and he prepped everything for me. Occasionally he raced his own car, but that was usually only for a quick buck.

I walked out of the porter potty stall, gasping for fresh air before taking the bottle of water I left by the door and starting to clean my hands. I dried them off on some napkins at the concession before walking off, walking towards the other racers.

I rubbed my palms against my jeans once I finally made it, my brother looking up from talking to someone, giving me a glance before turning back to the conversation. I reached into the backseat of my car, grasping my leather jacket before leaning up, hearing a whistle.

With a glare, I turned towards the noise, only to realize they were staring at my car. It was two boys, one had dark golden hair that was greased and combed back, and he had dark set eyes, wearing a pair of blue jeans, white shirt and an green plaid button up, that was unbuttoned. The second boy had greased, dark-brown combed back greased hair, and dark eyes also, but not quite brown, but in the lighting, I couldn't see well enough to say. He wore blue jeans, slightly tighter than the first boys, and a denim vest, revealing a tattoo on his arm.

The first boy was your typical, handsome pretty boy, but the second was more my style. "I ain't seen one of these yet" the first spoke as they neared, examining the perfect black paint. I chuckled as I pulled my jacket on, "Feel free to check out the inside, boys" I offered while moving from the boy. They both glanced up to me, and I gave a small smile as they moved quickly to look at the all red lining and stitching.

"Is this the 1964?" the second boy asked, giving me a glance. His eyes were green, and gosh were they hypnotizing. "1964 Pontiac Tempest GTO" I confirmed, and he grinned widely, revealing a snaggle tooth before looking back into the car. "Is it yours?" I gave a nod to the pretty boy, and he gave me a movie star smile, "Whose driving?" the green-eyed boy asked, not bothering to look up at me.

I raised a brow with a smirk, "I am" his head shot up, brows knitted together as his mouth slightly agape. "You? You're racing it?" "Seems that way" I confirmed as I took slow steps to near the pair as they both stood straight to examine me, before sharing a glance. "Guess we don't have to worry too much about our competition" he teased his friend, both snickering.

Shaking my head, a grin made its appearance on my face. "What're you implying, fellas?" "You can't race, you're a girl" the boy turned to me with a smirk as he peered down at me, arms crossed over his chest, showing off the tight muscles of his upper arms that my own eyes drifted to before snapping back to his.

"Underestimate me, baby," I whispered as I pushed until my own crossed arms pressed against his stomach, just below his, "You'll eat your words soon enough" I ran my tongue across the front, top teeth before smirking once again. As we stared at each other, it felt like an eternity before an announcer named the first set of cars. We were second, so he and his friend made their way away towards their own car, and I spotted a few other greasers surrounding the car they stopped by before I turned to my brother who said a few things to the guy from before shaking hands and moving away from one another.

Ray glances at me, giving a smile revealing his pearly whites, a twinkle in his brown eyes showing one thing for me; pride. I smiled at him as he told me to do what I needed, and he would get the car set up on the track while climbing in. Quickly I jogged towards the stands, passing by a group of boys, the same ones that stood by the two boys from before, as they walked to get seats.

As I got on the stands, I heard cheers before I laughed and walked over, stopping in front of my gang. "There she is!" Julie shouted while they clapped, making me jump on her, and her younger brother as I lightly hit them with fists while we laughed. Standing up I stripped the jacket off, throwing it on them before tying my hair up in a ponytail, eyeing the people watching.

My eyes rested on the group of boys who found their seats, all talking and one pointing at me, he looked the youngest, meanwhile one of the others slapped his hands with a stern look before he blushed from embarrassment. I snickered and grabbed the baby blue button up from Patty, pulling it on. She had made it herself with her nana's sewing kit. On the back was a skeleton driving a 1950 Pontiac 2dr Fastback, my old car, and my name above it, all in black and red.

Patty slapped my leg, motioning towards the cars getting set up, telling me to go. I grabbed the railing and jumped over it, the drop was about six foot high. I walked over quickly while Ray got out, holding the door open for me with a smile. As I neared the door, I could hear Ray's and my friend break out into cheers, causing us to laugh before I climbed in, slamming the door shut hard. "Bring that shit home, (y/n)!" Julie screamed before a small chant of my last name broke out between the rowdy group.

They had us move up a slight bit, my hand gripped the gear shifter, the other resting tightly on the top of the steering wheel. I turned towards the other car, just as he turned to me with a smirk, his friend sitting passenger. I gave the boys a cheeky wink before turning at the sound of the count down.

I watched the girl in the middle carefully, as soon as I heard the third bell, I shifted my car into third and hit the gas just as quickly.

My chest felt light, my heart was fluttering and pounding at the same time, and I couldn't hear anything besides the engine of Betsy (my car). The line was close, painted white in the street as people stood on either side to call the winner. Glancing to my right I could see they were almost even with me, the boy had a hard look on his face, causing me to grin before shifting into 4th quickly, skipping 5th and slamming it into 6th. The speed picked up quickly, and just as I got in front of the line, I glanced in the rear-view mirror, spotting their car.

The grin was large on my face as I crossed the line first, I shifted quickly as I hit the brakes, swinging the wheel all the way right as I did a half donut and came to a complete stop in my path, just as the two boys crossed, slowing and skidding on the dirt road that started just feet after the cement we drove off.

I could hear over the speakers as they announced my car, name, and the $300 I had just won, and even at this distance I heard the group break out into a cheer. Before I started to drive slowly back, around the side to the other racers, I caught sight of the boys. The green-eyed driver had his head lulled back on the seat in defeat, and the second was grinning at his friend in a teasing manner.


After collecting the cash, people were coming to look at my car as my friends now stood close by with us.

As I turned towards the car, tossing my leather jacket that Julie brought to me in the backseat, I spotted the two boys, and their group of friends, walking over. "How'd it taste?" the brown-eyed boy snickered as the green-eyed boy slightly turned pink in the face. I grinned, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked at them.

"Hey, we're about to try to find some foo- hello there" Julie came around, glancing at the boys with a smirk, "How'd her tailpipe look?" she teased, making their friends and us snicker as his face pinkened more. "Good race, you definitely made him eat his words" the pretty boy spoke as we shook hands, I smiled, nodding, "I make a lot of little boys eat their words" I joked before Patty came around to us, snickering as she eyed the boys, "Let's go eat man, we're wasting away over here" I looked between the large group of boys, "Where's somewhere to get some food around here?" I asked.

The brown-eyed boy spoke after glancing at his friends, "The Dingo?" "Great" I said with a smile as I took a few steps backwards towards my car, "We'll see you boys there in a few minutes then" I winked before turning to my car, opening it before climbing in the driver seat, Ray letting Patty and Louise in before the others ran to the truck they came in to come with us.

I gave one more glance to the boys before starting to drive from the races towards the Dingo. We spotted it on the way into town, so I had an idea where it was.


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