Five - Arguments // P.C.

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Dedicated to @yoongsbutterfly

After arguing with my father for what seemed to be the hundredth time this month, and my mother not defending me, but taking his side, I had enough for the night. I snuck back into my room as angry tears fell from eyes and I gathered a night bag before pulling on my purple hoodie and leaving through my window, but carefully.

Ponyboy, my best friend, and I had put a ladder leading to my bedroom window for when I'd snuck our, or he'd sneak in.

Once I reached the ground, I quickly climbed into my bicycle that leaned against the wooden fence before heading off towards the Curtis' house quickly. The ride was only about nine minutes, and when I got there, I leaned the bike against the side of the house after entering the gate. A sigh escaped my lips as I walked up the stairs and entered the house quietly. There was no sound in the house, besides the slight snores I could hear from Darry's bedroom that made me snicker to myself.

I quietly closed the door and put my shoes by the door before easing up the stairs. I stopped in front of Soda's and Pony's shared bedroom – or, just Pony's now...

I knocked gently, but when I heard no movement, I opened it myself. The moonlight came in through the opened window, along with a breeze. I closed the door behind me and sat my bag down against the wall as I peeled my hoodie off. I took a step, only for the ground to creak, "Typical" I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

Ponyboy stirred a bit before he lifted his head and turned to me, opening his eyes barely before he reached his hand up to rub his face before looking at me again.

"Brittany? I-I thought you were Sodapop for a second" his gravel voice whispered through the room. I gave him a sad smile and sat my hoodie down before making my way over to take the empty spot beside him, "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen" he dropped his head back down, put looked at me.

I took the moment to realize that the sheet had slipped down to his mid-section on his back, and he was shirtless. I found it odd, considering he usually wore a shirt to bed, but I didn't question it. "You're fine. Another fight?" he questioned as he rolled over to rest on his side, watching as I laid in the bed, pulling the sheet up to my neck and curling into a ball as I nodded.

Pony sighed and moved closer, wrapping his arms around me and moving my head to rest on his shoulder, like every other time. I unraveled from my ball and wrapped my own arms around him with a frown that I didn't mean to appear.

The skin to skin contact made me feel on fire, and my heart swelled a bit, my ears heating up in the process. So, admittance I had a small crush on Ponyboy. Okay, a big one, and only Two-Bit knew, and that's only because he tricked me into telling him.

Darry and Ponyboy entered the house with me and Two-Bit yelling as I shook him violently, my hands around his throat, but he only laughed at my strength, or lack of. (Side note I don't think you're weak bb ilysm)

"It's okay, c'mon. What now?" "Same as last time" I mumbled, he just sighed and pulled me closer, his fingers interlocked with each other and rested on my side as he held me to him.

We stayed in silence, and I figured he must've fallen back asleep. But he must've thought the same thing because he started to whisper, repeating himself. "Why can't I just do it? There's nothing hard about it, it's simple. Just ask" he sounded annoyed with himself. My brows furrowed and I lifted my head up to look at him, "Do what?" I asked, the moonlight highlighted his surprised face, wide eyes tight lipped mouth.

He just stared at me, and I frowned down at him. "Pony?" I asked while raising my brows at him, moving my head a bit as I questioned him.

"Doywounnodatfriy" he mushed out quickly. I only laughed a bit, "Pony did you just have a mini stroke?" I teased, watching his face turn a light pink shade. "What did you say?" I asked as I moved back down, putting my head on his shoulder again, getting comfortable.

"I-uh. Do you wanna go on a date Friday?" my head snapped towards him with wide eyes, and he looked down at me at the sudden movement. My mouth was dry and eyes only widened when I realized I hadn't answered.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I moved my hand up to cover his mouth, "Don't" I mumbled, and his brows knitted together. "Yes, I do. I think" he only laughed and dropped his head, I glared at him for a moment, "You think?" he teased. I turned to lay on my back, head on his elbow, "Fine, no I don't" he snickered more and rolled over to hold me against him, "You already said yes, it's too late. Goodnight, Brittany" "Goodnight idiot" I mumbled, only making him snicker again before kissing atop my head, like he used to. Only, not like he used to...

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