No More, Part II // J.C.

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-1967, Two Years Later-

When I was 18, that's when I decided to return to Tulsa. I wasn't a minor, so what would my parents do? What COULD they do? It didn't matter to me anymore, because I didn't care.

For the last two years, I had been staying with an aunt and uncle in Texas, where they helped take care of me and my son, who was just under two now. I was thankful we had visited them the summer prior, because it was easier to find than I expected, but I did a lot of walking and hitchhiking until I found them. But thankfully, a woman brought me the rest of the way home, claiming she was driving through the parts of Texas anyway.

After I got off the train, I got a taxi and made my way to the first hotel I remembered. So far, the town had seemed the same as I remembered. I took myself a shower, and bathed Tucker before sitting on the bed, feeding my son while writing a list of things I needed to do, and determining the order.


So after sleeping for a while, then eating some lunch, Tucker and I made our way to my grandparents where we spent about two hours before finally leaving. There was still plenty of daylight, so I started to walk across town, pushing the stroller with a smile.

During the walk, I ran into a few familiar faces, stopping to talk but only for moments before I pressured that I needed to be on my way. All seemed shocked that I had a child, but I expected that. When I finally spotted the familiar house, a bubble built in my stomach and a lump rose in my throat as I stared at it, my walking slowing a bit. The same truck parked in front of it, with another vehicle behind it that I recognized, since I had ridden in both.

The house looked exactly the same; the chipped paint and old porch, and of course, the screen door shut with the wooden door opened wide.

I released a shaky breath as I made my way across the street and slowly opened the gate. I assumed somebody heard it, considering the door opened, causing me to quickly look up as I closed it behind me. A boy walked out to stand on the porch, staring at me for a moment with furrowed brows, as I smiled up at him, "Ponyboy" I stated as his face broke to a smile before walking down the steps and jogging towards me, but not without eyeing the stroller. I walked around it to hug him tightly, letting out a small laugh as we did.

"You've gotten tall, Ponyboy" I point out as he snickers, pulling back a bit to smile at me, before looking at the stroller, before back to me.

"Come in, the guys are here. I bet Darry'll be happy to see you" he says while releasing me. I nod and push the stroller to the porch, where I unbuckle Tucker and pull him out, Ponyboy grabbing the stroller and bringing it up the steps for me and opening the door. He lets me pass him, entering first, just as Tucker grabs a lock of my hair and begins to shovel it into his mouth.

I look around, the house seemed to be in the exact same shape the last time I was here. Even the boys in the familiar spots; Darry sat in his chair, Two-Bit on the floor with a beer, but Steve sat on the couch, watching the television. But all eyes turned to us as we entered.

"Well I'll be damned" Darry grins while standing up, as do the other two, walking towards us. Darry carefully hugs me, smiling at the kid before placing a kiss against my forehead. The other two and I also share an awkward, gentle hug before they move back a bit. Two and Steve staring at Tucker curiously, while Darry smiles and Ponyboy makes his way back to us.

"I didn't know when we were ever gonna get to see you again" Darry states, and I nod with a small sigh, "I know, and at first I never thought of even turnin' back" I admitted.

"Hold on, are we gonna ignore the fact (y/n)'s holdin' a baby?" Two asks, looking at Darry, as Steve agrees while crossing his arms over his chest. I smile, "No, Two, you ain't. This is Tucker, my son" I claim while pulling my hair from him. The bubble in my stomach builds as I anticipate the next question, but I interrupt before he can open his mouth again, "Where's Sodapop? And Johnny and Dal?" the three boys shared glances, causing me to become worried at the quiet around us, a different bubble rising in my gut. One of worry and anxiety, and even guilt.


I sat with Two-Bit while we waited on the others to come back out. We were in the grass, and I was letting him hold Tucker, who was excited to see other people. It wasn't long before the door opened, and I looked up quickly. Sodapop, who was in the shower when I arrived, came out first. I stood up as the others came filing out, my heart swelling and nearly exploding when Johnny came out, being pushed by Dallas in a wheelchair. I grinned as the two spotted me and broke out in a run for them. I had nearly fallen when I got to them, but regained balance before I reached down to hug Johnny first, my left arm moving to wrap around Dally's lower waist as my head rested on Johnny's shoulder.

Johnny's arms wrapped around my own waist, and Dally patted my back before I stood up. I used the back of my hand to wipe the tears away as I smiled down at Johnny, who looked almost white from seeing me.

I looked to the boys around us, "Can Johnny and I have a minute?" they mumble various yes', Dally adding he's going back in to get something, but will return, and so I wait until its just the pair of us on the porch. I smile at him, as he looks at me. "I'm so happy to see you, Johnnycakes" he smiles, lightly grabbing my hand and pulling me back down to hug him again. I place a kiss on his cheek as we do, and instantly feel the skin heat up under the contact.

"I've missed you so much, (y/n). Did uh, did Ponyboy tell you?" I nodded, pulling away just a bit as I squatted down beside him, in order to not hurt my back. I left one hand on his upper arm, and the other on the side of his neck. "Yeah, they told me on the drive over. I'm so happy you're still alive, Johnny. I don't know what I would've done if I came back and you weren't here" I admit, and he moves a hand to the side of my head, causing me to lean into it.

"I have someone for you to meet" I state and stand abruptly, "stay here, I'll be right back" I request before making my way down towards Two, taking Tucker from his arms. I turn and start to walk to Johnny, his eyes widening at the sight of him. I place a kiss against his soft cheek before moving the chair by the door closer to his chair.

"Before I say anything, and before you do either, just know... I don't expect anything; I didn't come back for you to feel bad, or to try and get money, or any of these stupid things people will probably say. I came back because I thought you should meet him, what kind of mom would I'a been if I didn't do that?" I ask, rhetorically. He nods slowly, and the door opens again, Dally walking out, now in his jacket and an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

His feet still at the sight, and he looks up to me, before the baby, and to Johnny, before back to my son. I grin, "Dally, Johnny, this is Tucker Andrew Cade" I state while lightly turning him to face them in my lap, his head lulling back against my chest while he looks to the boys, chewing on more of my hair, before I remove it from his grasp. "This is Johnny's and my son, he's just under two." Dally moves to squat beside us, moving the weed behind his ear as he eyes him.

Tucker turns and makes grabby hands to him, and he glares a bit before letting Tucker take hold of one of his fingers. The three of us watch as he claps his hands, moving Dally's with them before Johnny clears his throat, "Can I hold 'em?" his voice wavers, and I nod while moving him to his lap. He holds him, and he instantly takes a liking to his hands as well.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna grab him some little chewy things so he doesn't bite your finger" Johnny looks up quickly, wide eyed as I stand, and Dally snickers while walking with me.

"Tucker, huh?" I roll my eyes, glancing at him, "Shut it, Dal" I attempt to demand, before grabbing the bag and walking back to the two. A smile on my face as I near them.

My heart was finally whole, watching my son play with his father, and seeing him for the first time in years. It didn't take an idiot to realize, I was still deeply in love with Johnny Cade. 

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