Four - Color // S.C.

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Colorful // S.C. – (A.U.)

In life, you have two soul mates. When you meet one of them, you start to see in colors finally. But if they were to die it would go back to black and white like before. No matter what happened, no matter where you were. Your second soul mate, even if you know them, won't see in color until your world goes back to black and white, and you see them in color too. Unless they find their other soul mate first, but if that were the case, you wouldn't see in color the second time around.

I remember when I first started to see the colors. It started with his brown eyes, then slowly to him in general, then the sky. We were seven when it happened but didn't know what it meant until we were twelve. Our parents knew, but had kept it from us for years, because "we were young". It makes sense looking back at it now, but it still hurt that they kept it from us for so long.

Sodapop turned eighteen a few months before I did and received his drafting letter. We cried together for hours, but when we came to terms, there was no other choice, we promised it'd be okay. We married as soon as I turned eighteen, months before it was time for him to leave. Darrel had me move in, and we built Ponyboy his own bedroom. A week before it was time for Sodapop to leave, we found out I was pregnant. Darry was upset, but he knew we were doing it.

Darry was thankful when I moved in and Sodapop was gone, because I took care of anything around the house, so he didn't have to worry about it. I cooked, cleaned, baby sat all the boys, and made sure Ponyboy did his homework. He was still struggling a bit, with the death of Johnny and Dallas, but he was getting so much better. Steve also decided to enroll, so he could go with Soda. Evie had told me she begged him, but he refused to let his best friend go without him. Sometimes we thought they were the real soul mates, and always teased them.

Soda and I wrote every day, and I occasionally sent him a letter for Steve, teasing him. Today had been one of the days I sent out the letters before coming home. Darry was in the shower after work, Two-Bit sat on the floor against the couch, watching Mickey and I was walking back and forth from cooking dinner, and helping Ponyboy with homework.

I stood beside Ponyboy, and he rubbed my swollen belly, feeling his nephew while I reviewed his math homework. I could hear him murmuring to him but couldn't catch anything specific. My hand rested on his head as I smiled, peeking under the worksheet, and that's when I caught it.

Pony's shirt went from a light yellow, to grey. My breath caught in my throat and frantically I started to look around. Ponyboy asked what was wrong while I ran around the entire house, watching things turn dull.

I fell to the ground, catching myself with my hands so I didn't hurt the baby. I let out large sobs and my hand ran over my swollen stomach. I could hear Two-Bit screaming for Darry, and Ponyboy had made his way over to me. He sat me on my bottom slowly and pulled me against his chest as I let out my cries and some pleas.

Darry made his way out, towel around his waist as he started to ask me what was wrong. Asking if it was the baby, or if I was in labor early.

A particularly loud sob escaped my throat as I looked up at him, "It's all gone" I cried out, "The colors are gone" I sobbed. I could see him freeze, and I could feel Pony's breath hitch as I ducked into his chest to cry into him.

He was gone.

Sodapop was gone.

Part 2, maybe? Let me know what you think. 

(: don't forget to vote and comment, so I know you guys actually enjoy this stuff. :)

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