Asking Out

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It was the last game of your Freshmen year. Cheering with the others as the boys played and trying to stay moving to keep warm. Darry's number written on your cheek, as the others wore some of the other boys numbers, the occasional girl wearing two. As your team scored the winning point, the bleachers, cheerleaders, and team broke out into cheers. Family and friends rushed for the fields as the coms called the game, seeing the other team down by twelve points, and the ending buzzer being shut off.

Dropping the poms, running with the others for the boys, all who were celebrating with one another, while others came to surround them. Darry was hugging an older woman, you knew as his mom, and his father and younger brothers stood by with bright smiles, though the youngest boy seemed tired.

You congratulated him as he pulled the helmet off, and he pulled you into a tight hug by your waist just as some of his other friends came to congratulate him. His dad mentioned going out to eat to celebrate, but denied it, "Actually, (y/n) and I have a date" "we do?" you look up quickly. Your cheeks heated and your eyes widened, and he smiled at you, "Yeah, we do. But I need to shower first. I'll come by your house in an hour" you nod, just as you feel hands wrap around your waist, hearing loud cheering from one of the other Football boys as he drug you with him, as another cheerleader grabbed Darry and pulled him as well. After a photo was taken, you left with your best friend to get dropped at home and ready for your date.


You sat in detention, sighing. Your head leaned back, and arms folded over your chest while waiting for the teacher to come in.

It wasn't long before they did, and you were given rules to follow while they graded papers. About an hour in, she stood up and left her room to get a cup of coffee, you only had about forty minutes left but it felt like forever.

As you looked down at the writing you had been doing, you felt something hit your shoulder, causing you to turn to a grinning Two-Bit. He motioned to the ground, and your eyes followed, realizing it was a balled-up paper.

Huffing you bent to grab it, moving to set in your seat straight as you unraveled it.

"Friday – 7?"

Turning your head with furrowed brow, "What about it?" he rolled his eyes with a smile as he sat down from sharpening his pencil, "Can I pick you up on Friday at seven?" your brows furrowed, and he continued, "For a date" your mouth shaped into an O in realization, before shrugging, "Sure, Two-Bit. Seven" you accept before crumpling the paper back up and turning back in your desk.

You hear a giddy laugh from him, causing you to roll your eyes a bit, but smile.


Everyday, while you waited for the bus and talked to Johnny and Ponyboy, occasionally Curly and Angela also joining, he had shown up to pick the boys up. Or, at least that's what he said, when in reality he, and the two boys, knew it was to talk to you a bit more.

Today was different, you and the two started to walk as soon as you exited the building. You had decided in Algebra that you three would work together on homework, at Ponyboy's house.

You hear jogging from behind, causing you three to turn a bit, realizing it was Dallas, trying to catch up with you. "Where we goin'?" he asks, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he moves the cancer stick from between his lips.

A light blush over your cheeks as you motion to Pony with your head, "We have homework" he gives you a curious glance, and you show him the books in hand, and he nods before removing his arm, reaching down to take them from you. "Please don't throw those" you plead, and he chuckles a bit, "I'm not, I'm carryin' them for you, doll" you look at him for a hesitant moment, but let it go.

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