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I don't have anything else for today, and I wanted to wait before uploading these but decided to go ahead with it since I haven't written anything else. If you like this typa stuff, please let me know so I can keep writing it or move on from it. Thanks. -A.



Darry asked you to marry him on date night. One Friday night, after eating dinner and desert, the pair of you drove to your house, where you both started to take a walk. A comfortable silence over the pair of you while you did, just like always. Rarely did you talk during this time, usually enjoying the silence. For you, it had been a complete surprise and shock when he pulled you into the alley where he first kissed you, just like when it happened.

He smiled down at you, pushing some of the hair from your face and looking between your eyes. He admitted the amount of love he held for you before kissing your cheek and moving back to get on a knee, causing you to break out into near instant tears as he spoke.

"Will you marry me?"

It wasn't even needed- a question neither of you needed to answer as you wrapped around him tightly, pulling him to stand back up.

The ring was one of his mothers. Not her wedding ring, but one that had been in the family since Darry's grandmother received it from her husband, claiming they were making themselves a tradition.

 Not her wedding ring, but one that had been in the family since Darry's grandmother received it from her husband, claiming they were making themselves a tradition

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You and Two-Bit were the only people in your house, your family being gone with their own plans that you declined an invite to. Laying on the couch together, watching television after having dinner, sharing a beer. The Andy Griffith Show had the pair of you giggling every now and again, occasionally making a comment about it.

You decided to get up, needing a drink and to stretch your knees out from the position you sat in. In the kitchen, you filled a glass of water, taking gulps as you turned on your heels, just as Two stood in the doorway, smiling at you, holding a hand behind his back.

You eye him hesitantly, looking over him as he only stares.

"I don't know what you're doin', but I reckon I don't like it" he snickers and moves towards you, setting your cup down and sliding a hand down your arm, grasping your hand. He asks how much you love him, asking how long you've been together, when you knew you loved him. These questions leading to his last one. Though, at reminiscing for so long, you had moved to set on the counter behind you, your hands draped around his shoulders and a permanent grin etched on your face.

"Okay, last one" his smile widens the slightest bit, slowly pulling his hand from behind his back, holding a ring, "Will you marry me?" he hardly finishes the sentence as you crash into his chest, causing him to stumble back, loosing his footing and pulling the rug up and hitting the bottom cabinets as he falls against it. He laughs, holding you in his lap while you kiss across his face, promising to show just how much you do love him.

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