Sixteen // No More // J.C.

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"Have you ever thought maybe I don't want to live by your goddamn book anymore!?" I screamed in my parents direction. We had been fighting all night. They had become upset over the fact I, a West Side Soc, had been caught by my cousin Sherry Valance hanging out with Greasers. She was aloud to speak to them, but I wasn't! Like hell.

"You will not speak to your mother that way, young lady!" my fathers voice boomed, and I sucked in a deep, heavy breath as I looked at him. I was going to regret this, but it was going to feel really good. "Fuck you!" I roared back in response. My mother gasped, and my fathers mouth fell open.

The word wasn't commonly used, especially not by kids like me. "This! This is what you act like now! All because of those no-good hoods!" "They're my friends!" "Like hell they are! And that little boyfriend of yours, hell! He's probably just using you, because you're just a no good little whore! Like them other broads they hang with!" "You're grounded!" I glared at my mother. So now I was a whore, too.

I huffed out in anger and let out another scream as I started to stomp towards my bedroom, shoving my younger brothers fishbowl off the table and listening to it shatter behind me. They screamed more, as if there was something actually in it.

I slammed my door, causing my window to rattle and I quickly moved my dresser in front of it. I knew what I had to do. It was still too early. I needed to wait patiently.


After about three hours of sitting in my room alone, I knew my parents would be asleep by now. I quickly grabbed my bag from under my bed, making sure I had everything I wanted to bring with me just before I decided to change. I stripped the dress over my head and yanked on a pair of jeans I had, along with my rodeo boots and grabbed a plain white v-neck shirt before grabbing the Letterman jacket, pulling it on as well.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and moved my dresser before exiting out the door. I found my fathers wallet by the door, and quickly took all the cash from it before going into the kitchen and taking the lock box from under the sink and stuffing it into my bag. Quietly I snuck out the back door and started my trek to the opposite side of town.

It was quiet, and only a few people were out, but just enough that I snuck about just in case I was recognized by my cousin once more. But once my eyes landed on the lot, my smile grew, and I took off jogging. I spotted the car seats before the lump on the ground. I picked up the blanket, releasing a huff when I realized that's all it was.

Fine, to the Curtis house I go.

I started to walk once more, but not as worried about other Soc's. When I spotted the house, I sat my bag down by Darry's truck before walking up, knocking on the screen door before opening it. It had come a little quieter, just before everyone said hello to me, which I returned as I turned to look at Johnny.

He was sitting on the couch with Ponyboy, Two-Bit on the floor in front of them. I smiled at them as Johnny returned the shy smile I grew to love. "Hey, can I talk to you outside?" I asked, and instantly the smile dropped. Two-Bit teased him, saying he was in trouble, causing me to roll my eyes and shake my head. "No, just want privacy Two" I said before grabbing Johnny's hand and dragging him to the porch, then towards the gate so nobody could hear us.

I turned to him, as he looked down at my curiously, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I'm running away" I tell him quickly, and his eyes widen a bit, "W-what?" I nodded, my eyes flickering to the house before back to him. "I'm leaving, I can't stay here anymore. I can't stand this greaser versus soc thing anymore, Johnny. I don't expect you to go, you have the boys here, they're your family. And I just want to find something like that, so I'm leaving" I could see him debating with himself, his brown eyes flickering between my own. 

I let out a small laugh as tears welled up in my eyes, "Hell, I don't know what Dally would do without you, or really the others. You hold them together, Johnny. You know they care about you, even Dally, even if he won't admit it" I said as I cupped his cheeks, running my thumbs over his flawless skin. His hands moved to my waist gently.

"I just want to spend one more night together, before I leave" I whisper, and he nodded before quickly colliding our lips together. It was out of character, but I didn't mind. It was the last time I would be spending with him. I grabbed his hand and turned around, dragging him towards the lot, grabbing my bag on the way past it.

One last night, with the love of my life.

(would you guys like a part 2??) I have an ideeeea for onnnnne

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