Brother-Sister Moments

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I was sprinting down the sidewalk, passing a few people here and there, but nobody I could recognize through my tears. Through I was sprinting, I had a slight limp; partially from missing a heel, partially from rolling my ankle miles back.

It was prom night. I was a sophomore, but an upperclassman invited me, so I went with him and his friends. It ended up being one of the worst decisions I made.

My once curled hair was falling and sticking to my skin from the sweat from running all the way to Buck Merrills. My makeup was running, though long ago had been ruined by the tears and blood on my skin. My dress, that my older brother stole for me, was ruined by rips and tears as well. The (color pref.) was stained from the mud and dirt, and again, blood.

Finally, I made it to Buck's. I had run about twelve miles, since we were outside of town. I slowed down a bit as I ripped the door open, whimpering as I looked around, rubbing my eyes to clear them before I heard a familiar voice.

"(Y/N), what the hell happened?" Tim Shepard askes, wrapping an arm around my back and grabbing my arm with his other hand as he started to pull me towards the back. He didn't give me a chance before calling out for my brother.

"Dally! Dallas! Hey, Sodapop, where's Dally at?" "He just went to the can, wh- holy hell," "Tell him to hurry up, stupid!" I watch as a blurry Sodapop ran to the bathroom while Tim sat me in a chair. He stood with me, covering me from prying eyes that dared to peak at the town dress over my body, leaving little imagination in some spots.

"(Y/n), what happened? Where's Sally at?" I looked up to my older brother just as he squatted down in front of me. He was remaining calm, but I could tell he was angry.

I let out a few sobs as I shook my head, "I-I didn't g-go to prom wi-with Sall-Sally" I cried out, admitting the truth finally. "Who the hell did you go with!?" now he was upset with me, too. "I we-went with my b-boyfriend" I whimpered as he grabbed my upper arms. Firmly, but not in attempt to hurt me.

"Your what!?" "Who, (y/n)? Is it that Freddie boy my kid brother mentioned you was hangin' around?" Tim even sounded angry, just saying his name. I nodded as I looked up to him, and he gritted his teeth as he looked down at Dally, who asked "Freddie who?" "Freddie Verance. He's a Senior boy, been held back once already, he's 19, ain't he?" Tim spoke, and I nodded my head to confirm.

"You went out with some kid four years older than you? And you lied about it?" I looked at Dally, "I'm sorry" I sniffled while wiping my face with the back of my hand. "You wouldn't of let me go if I's honest" he had a glare, but shook his head and looked down at me before telling Two-Bit to get a wet rag. "Here, (y/n)" Tim pulled his jacket off and placed it over me, covering my chest specifically.

"Where did you come from?" "The qu-quarry outside town" "How the hell'd you get here?" "I ran" I mumble, and he sighs again as Sodapop hands him the rag.

He started to wash my face a bit before handing it Sodapop, "Do this. Tim, Steve, Two, let's go. We'll be back. Stay here with Soda, alright. I'll swing by the house and grab you some clothes" I nod, but Sodapop started to grab my wrist, mumbling we should move away from all the people so we do as I watch the boys excluding Soda and some who weren't here, leave out the door.


I giggled as I pulled my big brother, Keith, to my room as he followed after me. I shoved his legs until he sat on the edge of my bed and turned around to the box of clothes I had. "Dress up time" I sung as he groaned, "No, (y/n), no dress up. C'mon! Let's go see Ponyboy, you like Ponyboy, right?" I turned to my brother with a glare.

He gave me a grin, knowing he struck a nerve in his little sister by bringing up the crush she had on his close friend. "It's MY turn to pick what we do. You have to watch me, and we always go see them! And I don't like Dally, and he's probably there too!" I spun around, digging through the box and throwing stuff over my shoulders.

"(y/n), I'm not playing dress up, seriously" he stated firmly.

I turned around slowly, glaring with puckered lips at my brother before I gritted out "Play dress up with me or I'll tell your friends you still use my nightlight in your bedroom" his eyes widened a bit and he quickly bent down, "Which boa's mine? The pink or purple one?" I grinned, letting a giggle out as I bent down to hand him the pink boa, and wrapping the purple one around my own neck.

Sodapop & Ponyboy

Throwing a tantrum on the floor was my only attempt to get things to work now. My big brothers Sodapop and Ponyboy were supposed to be babysitting me, but Sodapop was getting ready to leave and hang out with his friends, while Ponyboy argued that he was too, and they were going to leave me here.

I was screaming as I jumped up and down on their bed while he got dressed. They were screaming at each other over my screams, making no attempt to shut my mouth.

"I'm not taking her, Pony! I'm hangin' with Steve! He don't like little kids hangin' around!" "Well I can't take her to hang out!" "It's your baby sister!" "She's your baby sister too! I always have to take her!" "That sucks! And- (y/n)! Stop jumping on my damn pillows with your gross feet!" Sodapop grabbed the pillow under my feet and tossed it off his bed, towards his laundry basket, just as there was a honk outside.

"That's Steve, I gotta go. You two stay safe!" Sodapop shouted while jogging out of his bedroom.

Now, I wasn't screaming, but I was panting and looking at Pony who was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Jus' forget it, we'll stay here then" I jumped down, stomping to stand in front of him, glaring up at him while his eyes widened more at me, taking a step back, only for me to follow. We did this until he backed himself up into the hallway wall.

"Take me with your or I'm telling your friends you peed the bed last week" I stated calmly.

"Get your socks and shoes on, I-I'll grab you some snacks" I smiled pridefully as I walked to my bedroom, dropping to the floor and grabbing the nearest socks to pull on my feet.

So some of yall mightve seen some terms and names from Stand By Me-- and its because originally I had written them for a SBM one shot book but decided i didnt want to write it anymore so i just changed it to fit The Outsiders. Theres some clarification on that.

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