Eight - I Don't Hate You // C.S.

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Laughter filled the hallway as I nearly tripped but caught myself against the wall. But that of course means I dropped everything in my arms. I huffed in annoyance and squatted down, picking up my notebook and books before getting up and speed walking away from the group of greasers.

When I made it to the library, I slammed the books on the table, startling the two boys at the end of the table as they turned to stare at me. Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. I said nothing but sat down with a huff before I stated to viciously tear my book open, turning until I got a papercut, only two pages away from the page I needed. I huffed mumbling swears as blood smeared on the pages.


I turned my head to Ponyboy, and he slid the box of tissues to me. I nodded a thank you and took one out, wrapping my finger in it before cleaning the blood up. But, as I did, the chair beside me was tore back form under the desk, and the familiar shoes and jeans walked in front to set down. I huffed again before looking away, not wanting to even view his face.

He started to move towards the table, hitting it in the process before he settled beside me. I ignored him and started to open my notebook, deciding to pretend he wasn't even here so I could do my homework.

He stayed quite the whole time, but when I started to write answers down, he would pull on my notebook, making me make long marks across the paper, or even flick my pencil so it would do the same.

It went on for hours, before everyone was gone, and they were telling us we had to leave finally. I closed my books slowly, hoping he'd leave without me, but never did. I stood up, and he followed suit. I knew it would continue outside. I sighed and kicked my seat in before walking quickly away, but only hearing his quick footsteps with mine.

I could hear him repeating my name as soon as we got outside. I ignored him, or tried, until he grabbed me by my arm and spun me around quickly, looking down at me with a glare.

He didn't say anything, and my eyes fixated on his chest, I didn't want to look at him still.

Seconds turned into minutes that we stood there, just between us and the bright sun shining above us.

"(y/n) why do you hate me?" my neck snapped to look up at him, wide eyes and my lips slightly parted open. "Are you kidding me?" I asked through gritted teeth, yanking my arm from his grasp. "No! You have this hate for me, and I just don't understand it! You've been like this since we met!" "Since we met! You mean when you cut my hair off in the fourth grade!?" "I" "Shut the hell up!" I shouted before he could speak, and his eyes widened in shock that I was speaking to him in such a way.

"When we met, you gripped my head and pushed me onto the ground so you could cut my ponytail off! I was embarrassed for an entire year, where my hair was a decent length, and everyone forgot! But of course it wasn't long before you started doing stuff to me again!" I was so angry. Tears were brimming my eyes as I stared up at him.

"You spread humors about me, you told people so much about me that wasn't true! You literally just tripped me in the hall just today! Everyday, it's something new. You've got my hair, you ruined my clothes, you ruined my reputation and now I can't even get into a decent school because some of the things YOU did and got ME blamed for!" my voice cracked, and I could tell the tears would fall soon.

"Why the hell do you hate me, Curly!? What did I ever do to you to deserve any of this!?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment, jaw slacked, and brows knitted together, but he finally found his words.

"I don't hate you, I just" "You just!? You just what, Shepard!?" "I like you!" he screamed back at me, angry now. I just glared up at him, "You like me!?" "Yes! That's why I acted like that! I-I, everyone did that! If you like a girl, you're mean to her!" "No you aren't!" I screamed, hitting him in the chest with my book a few times before he stopped me, grabbing my wrists.

A few tears had started to slip, and I looked up at him. "If you like someone, you don't bully them! That's not how things work!" I shouted, "Hint, next time you like a girl tell her! Don't cut her hair off and tell her classmates she's being used up by the whole football team!" I let out a few sobs and yanked my arms from him to step back, hearing a door open and a few shouts as I turned to see my older brother and his best friend getting out of his car, making their way to us quickly.

I turned back to Curly, "You may not hate me, but I hate you. I loathe you. I want something so bad to happen to you, that God doesn't forgive me for the thoughts, and maybe that'll make up for a fraction of what you caused me!" I turned away quickly and met the two older boys in the middle, asking me questions quickly as I started to cry, leaning into my brothers chest.

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