Twenty-Three // Mickey Mouse // S.C.

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After I dressed into a pair of jeans with a black shirt tucked in and my boots, I made my way down to the living room, "I'll be back after a little while! I'm goin' for a ride!" I shouted into the house before I walked out the front door. I walked towards the horse stables, spotting Maggie, my younger cousin, sitting on a hay bale with a book in hand, wearing similar clothes to my own.

I let out a sharp whistle, causing her head to snap up before she stood and made her way to me, "C'mon, let's ride" I said as I grabbed my black saddle and walked to my horse. Maggie did the same with my little brothers horse.

Quickly, I got the mean, dark-golden horse ready to ride before I climbed to straddle him. I glanced at Maggie as she rubbed the raven horse she sat upon. "Let's go" I said before giving the horse a slight kick. We started to make our way into the beautiful town of Tulsa. We stopped on occasion to let young kids pet the horses before Maggie took off, giving Midnight a good few kicks, taking off ahead of me.

I laughed and did the same, gaining on her quickly, before I knew it, we were racing throughout the town, of course minding people and cars. I caught sight of the DX, I knew we could get a coke there and turned to Maggie who wasn't far behind, "Last to the DX has to buy!" I shouted before jutting the horse, picking up speed before turning back.

There were a group of boys standing by the gas, and I knew I had to slow down. Giving one last glance to Maggie before I snickered and turned back, tugging on the straps and slowing Mickey down.

At the sound of gravel sliding, the group of teens glanced up at us. I gave a bright smile, circling on Mickey to face my cousin who was frowning at me. I laughed and stopped, waiting for her to stop beside me.

"Ain't that Mickey?" I turned my head at the voice, looking between the boys. One stuck out as he stared at the horse with wide eyes. "His names Mickey Mouse" I said as I climbed down off the large stallion. I held the leather straps, taking Maggie's as she walked towards the building to get drinks. The boy who stared had large brown orbs and flawless skin as he slowly walked over. "Uhh, be careful, he's real ornery" I warned, and he nodded while looking at me, "Where'd you get 'em from?" "My dad got him from a guy's stable about four years ago when I started to barrel race, and the man said I was one of the only people he'd ever seen 'em be sweet on" I glanced up at the large horse with a smile.

"Hey, Mickey Mouse" the boy tested as he stood by me, slowly reaching his hand to pet him. I was shocked when Mickey nudged the boy gently before resting his head on him. The teen laughed and quickly reached up to hug the horse. "I ain't seen you in years!" I smiled, handing him the straps, "Wanna take him for a small ride? I know he don't trust just anyone" I laughed, knowing it took me a month before he let me pet him finally.

He smiled and took it before climbing on quickly. I glanced at his friends, all watching, occasionally sharing words. He started slow, taking him around the dirt lot we stood around in. Maggie came out, followed by another boy in a DX shirt who smiled up at the other boy on the horse. She looked surprised as she came closer, "Mickey let someone on 'em?" I smiled, "I think they were friends already" she nodded and took the leather straps from my hands before climbing back on her horse.

The boy came closer, stopping by us and sliding off. "You outta stop by more often" the boy said with a grin as he looked at me. I smiled, "You can come see him" "Really?" "Yeah, do you have a pen?" he glanced at the other boys, "Steve, go get her a pen!" the boy who exited with Maggie turned with a glare and walked back.

After a moment, I climbed back on Mickey and took the pen and pad from Steve. I wrote my name and the address before handing it to the boy below who smiled at me before Maggie and I took off, racing back home.

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