Nine - Sweetheart // D.W.

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I exited the hot building, the Tulsa air engulfed me to keep me from over heating as I sighed in relief.

Buck's was extremely packed tonight, and if I would have known it would be like this I wouldn't have come. But I needed a drink, and Buck's was the closest place to my house I could get home from on foot if I was too drunk to drive. I walked away from the door to not get hit, taking a spot beside the wall and leaning against it while pulling my smokes from my jean pocket.

I reached into my other pocket after putting them back, reaching for my matches. I struck one up and used it to light the cigarette, before waving the flame out and throwing it out towards the street. The smoke filled my lungs, and I held it before releasing. It was quite until I heard the heavy door open for a moment as another figure came out, lighting up in front of the door. He glanced around before catching my eyes with his own and smirking, making his way to stand beside me.

We stood in silence thankfully, and when my cigarette was done, I stomped it out before leaning back against the wall, looking up to the sky, finding the moon quickly.

"Why aren't you inside?" the boy asked suddenly. I shrugged, "Too many people, needed a smoke, it was hot, fresh air" I listed things off and I heard him chuckle a bit. "Are you going to head back in?" "Probably, but not yet" I shrugged once more.

"You got a name, sweetheart?" I smirked and stood up from the wall, turning to him. "I do have a name, but it's not sweetheart" I winked before making my way back into the hot building. I heard him frantically stomp out the cigarette before his own footsteps followed behind mine back into the bar.

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